Hot seat game. Key languageHot seat game The class is split into two teams. Two chairs are placed at the front of the classroom, with their backs to the board. A person from each team sits in a chair. The teacher writes a word on the board, and on the teacher’s signal the teams start explaining this word/expression to their respective players. The team whose player guesses the word first, scores a point. When students explain a word, they can use synonyms, miming and definitions, and mustn’t use their native language or words with the same root. After the student guesses the word, another student takes their place.
! If you have a small class, do not split it up into two groups. Have one student sit in the chair with their back to the board and the rest of the class explains the word to them. Additionally, you could print out/write down on the board some key phrases that would help them start their explanations/definitions: Key language It’s a noun/verb/adjective/adverb/phrasal verb/collocation/idiom It’s the thing which…/the person who… It’s how you feel when…. It’s what you do when…. It means….. It’s the opposite of…. / It’s the same as…. To make the game more fun, you could chose a word a player must shout out when he/she guesses the word on the board ( e. g. Bingo! Or I got it! or something that goes with the topic of the lesson, like Education! Or Fast food! ). If a player fails to shout this word out before announcing the answer, they lose a point.