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Duckling. Pre-Christmas. Uneducative


Duck + -ling

Criterion -ling
Convertive power Convertive
Part of speech Noun-forming
Etymology Native
Meaning The idea of diminutiveness, depreciation
Valency Noun-stems
Productivity Productive (? )
Frequency of occurrence Frequent (? )
Connotational characteristics Evaluative



Pre- + Christmas

Criterion Pre-
Convertive power Non-convertive
Part of speech -
Etymology Borrowed (Romanic)
Meaning The idea of priority (time and order)
Valency -
Productivity Non-productive (? )
Frequency of occurrence Non-frequent (? )
Connotational characteristics Neutral



Un- + educate + -ive

Criterion Un- -ive
Convertive power Non-convertive Convertive
Part of speech - Noun-forming; Adj-forming
Etymology Native Borrowed (Romanic)
Meaning The idea of negation Having a nature or quality of a thing
Valency - Verb-stems
Productivity Non-productive (? ) Productive (? )
Frequency of occurrence Frequent (? ) Frequent (? )
Connotational characteristics Neutral Neutral


TWOSOME consists of one affix “some”

Convertive power - convertive

Part of speech-forming – adj-forming

Etymology - native

Meaning – the idea of similarity

Valency – noun-stems

Productivity – non-productive

Frequency of occurrence – frequent

Stylistic colouring – neutral

Twofold Two + -fold


Criterion -ism
Convertive power non-convertive
Part of speech Noun-forming
Etymology Borrowed (Greek)
Meaning The idea of theory, movement
Valency Noun-stems
Productivity Productive
Frequency of occurrence Infrequent
Connotational characteristics Neutral

Heightism Height + -ism

Criterion -fold
Convertive power Convertive
Part of speech Adjective-forming, adverb-forming
Etymology Native
Meaning The idea of multiplication or increase in geometrical ration
Valency Numeral-stems
Productivity Non-productive
Frequency of occurence Infrequent
Connotationalcheracreristics neutral


Hypersensitive consists of prefix ‘hyper’, suffix ‘ive’,

  suffix ‘ive’
Convertive power convertive
Part of speech Noun-forming, adj-forming
Etymology Borrowed, Romanic
Meaning Having a nature or quality of a thing
Valency Verb-stem
Productivity Productive
Stylistic colouring Neutral
Frequency of occurrence Frequent


Misogynist consists of prefix ‘mis’, suffix ‘ist’

  suffix ‘ist’
Convertive power Non-convertive
Part of speech Noun-forming
Etymology Borrowed, Greek
Meaning The idea of a person advocating a doctrine, system
Valency Adj-stem
Productivity Productive
Stylistic colouring Neutral
Frequency of occurrence Frequent

kitchenette: kitchen + -ette (кухонька)

1) non-convertive
3) borrowed(Fr)
5) noun stem
7) not-frequent
8)diminutive suffix(expresses endearment mingled with reprobation)

darkish: dark+-ish

2) adjective-forming
3) native (not sure)
4) meaning of degree
5) adjectival stems
6) productive(adj. forming)
8)diminutive suffix(expresses endearment mingled with reprobation)


Stinker: stink+ -er

Criterion -er
Convertive power convertive
Part of speech Noun-forming
Etymology Native
Meaning The agent of the action
Valency Verb-stems
Productivity Productive
Frequency of occurrence Frequent
Connotational characteristics Neutral


Anticlockwise: anti- +clock+ -wise

Criterion anti- -wise
Convertive power Non-convertive Convertive
Part of speech - Adjective-forming
Etymology Greek Native
Meaning Opposite, against, instead The way, manner
Valency Adjective-stems Noun-stems Noun-stems
Productivity Productive Productive
Frequency of occurrence Frequent Frequent
Connotational characteristics Neutral Neutral


Usage “-age”

Criterion -age
Convertive power Convertive
Part of speech Noun-forming
Etymology Borrowed (Romanic)
Meaning The idea of the act or process
Valency Noun-stems, verb-stems
Productivity Productive
Frequency of occurrence Frequent
Connotational characteristics Neutral


Satisfaction “-tion”

Criterion -ence
Convertive power Convertive
Part of speech Noun-forming
Etymology Borrowed (Romanic)
Meaning Action, state, concrete instance or result
Valency Verb-stems
Productivity Productive
Frequency of occurrence Frequent
Connotational characteristics Neutral




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