Examinee. Failure. Shyster (shy+ster)
| -in(e)
| -ee
| Convertive power
| convertive
| non-convertive
| Part of speech
| Noun-forming
| Noun-forming
| Etymology
| Borrowed (Romanic)
| Borrowed (Romanic)
| Meaning
| The idea of imitation, derivative products
| The object of the action
| Valency
| Noun-stems
| Verb-stems
| Productivity
| Non-productive
| Productive
| Frequency of occurrence
| Frequent
| Frequent
| Connotational characteristics
| Formal, technical
| Neutral
| -ure
| Convertive power
| Convertive
| Part of speech
| Noun-forming
| Etymology
| Borrowed (Romanic)
| Meaning
| Act, state, result
| Valency
| Noun-stems
| Productivity
| Non-productive
| Frequency of occurence
| Frequent
| Connotationalcheracreristics
| Neutral
Ownership – consists of 2 affixes: “er” and “ship”.
| -er (suffix)
| -ship (suffix)
| Convertive power
| Convertive
| Non-convertive
| Part of speech
| Noun-forming
| Noun-forming
| Etymology
| Native
| Native
| Meaning
| The agent or object of an action
| Position, state, condition
| Valency
| Verb-stems, noun-stems
| Noun-stems
| Productivity
| Productive
| Productive
| Stylistic colouring
| Neutral
| Neutral
| Frequency of occurrence
| Frequent
| Frequent
His homeward way (путьдомой) – consists of 1 affix “ward”.
| -ward (suffix)
| Convertive power
| Convertive
| Part of speech
| Adj-forming
| Etymology
| Native
| Meaning
| The idea of direction or course
| Valency
| Noun-stems
| Productivity
| Non-productive
| Stylistic colouring
| Neutral
| Frequency of occurrence
| Non-frequent
Shyster (shy+ster)
Convertive power
| Convertive
| Part of speech
| Noun-forming
| Etymology
| Native
| Meaning
| Orig, the female agent. The idea of a person with often a depreciatory meaning
| Valency
| Noun-stems, adj-stems
| Productivity
| Productive
| Frequency of occurrence
| Frequent
| Connotational characteristics
| Deragotory
Mal + nutrition
| -mal
| Convertive power
| Non-convertive
| Part of speech
| Noun-forming
| Etymology
| Borrowed Neutral PRomanic
| Meaning
| The idea of bad, badly
| Valency
| Productivity
| Non-productive
| Frequency of occurrence
| Friquent
| Connotational characteristics
| Apolitical
A+ politic+al
| A
| al
| Convertive power
| Non-convertive
| Convertive
| Part of speech
| Adjective
| Adjective
| Etymology
| Borrowed Neutral Greek
| Borrowed Neutral Romanic
| Meaning
| The idea of negation or absence of some quality
| The idea of being the kind of, pertaining to (comical)
| Valency
| Noun-stems
| Productivity
| productive
| Frequency of occurrence
| friquent
| Connotational characteristics
Coincidence: coincid + ence
| -ence
| Convertive power
| Convertive
| Part of speech
| Noun-forming
| Etymology
| Borrowed (Romanic)
| Meaning
| The idea of the action, state or quality
| Valency
| Verb-stems
| Productivity
| Productive
| Frequency of occurrence
| Frequent
| Connotational characteristics
| Neutral
Removal: re + move + al*
| re-
| -al
| Convertive power
| Non-convertive
| Convertive
| Part of speech
| -
| Noun-forming
| Etymology
| Borrowed (Romanic)
| Borrowed (Romanic)
| Meaning
| Indicating return to a previous condition
| Action, state
| Valency
| Noun-stems, verb-stems
| Verb-stems
| Productivity
| Productive
| Productive
| Frequency of occurrence
| Frequent
| Not very frequent
| Connotational characteristics
| Neutral
| Neutral
*this suffix forms nouns from verbs, usually verbs of French or Latin origin:
denial, refusal, removal. Don’t mix up with the suffix “-al”, which has the meaning “the idea of being the kind of” and forms adjectives: comical, seasonal, natural.