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Examinee. Failure. Shyster (shy+ster)



Criterion -in(e) -ee
Convertive power convertive non-convertive
Part of speech Noun-forming Noun-forming
Etymology Borrowed (Romanic) Borrowed (Romanic)
Meaning The idea of imitation, derivative products The object of the action
Valency Noun-stems Verb-stems
Productivity Non-productive Productive
Frequency of occurrence Frequent Frequent
Connotational characteristics Formal, technical Neutral




Criterion -ure
Convertive power Convertive
Part of speech Noun-forming
Etymology Borrowed (Romanic)
Meaning Act, state, result
Valency Noun-stems
Productivity Non-productive
Frequency of occurence Frequent
Connotationalcheracreristics Neutral


Ownership – consists of 2 affixes: “er” and “ship”.

  -er (suffix) -ship (suffix)
Convertive power Convertive Non-convertive
Part of speech Noun-forming Noun-forming
Etymology Native Native
Meaning The agent or object of an action Position, state, condition
Valency Verb-stems, noun-stems Noun-stems
Productivity Productive Productive
Stylistic colouring Neutral Neutral
Frequency of occurrence Frequent Frequent 


His homeward way (путьдомой) – consists of 1 affix “ward”.

  -ward (suffix)
Convertive power Convertive
Part of speech Adj-forming
Etymology Native
Meaning The idea of direction or course
Valency Noun-stems
Productivity Non-productive
Stylistic colouring Neutral
Frequency of occurrence Non-frequent


Shyster (shy+ster)

Convertive power Convertive
Part of speech Noun-forming
Etymology Native
Meaning Orig, the female agent. The idea of a person with often a depreciatory meaning
Valency Noun-stems, adj-stems
Productivity Productive
Frequency of occurrence Frequent
Connotational characteristics Deragotory




Mal + nutrition

Criterion -mal
Convertive power Non-convertive
Part of speech Noun-forming
Etymology Borrowed Neutral PRomanic
Meaning The idea of bad, badly
Productivity Non-productive
Frequency of occurrence Friquent
Connotational characteristics  


A+ politic+al

Criterion A al
Convertive power Non-convertive Convertive
Part of speech Adjective Adjective
Etymology Borrowed Neutral Greek Borrowed Neutral Romanic
Meaning The idea of negation or absence of some quality The idea of being the kind of, pertaining to (comical)
Valency   Noun-stems
Productivity   productive
Frequency of occurrence   friquent
Connotational characteristics    


Coincidence: coincid + ence

Criterion -ence
Convertive power Convertive
Part of speech Noun-forming
Etymology Borrowed (Romanic)
Meaning The idea of the action, state or quality
Valency Verb-stems
Productivity Productive
Frequency of occurrence Frequent
Connotational characteristics Neutral

Removal: re + move + al*

Criterion re- -al
Convertive power Non-convertive Convertive
Part of speech - Noun-forming
Etymology Borrowed (Romanic) Borrowed (Romanic)
Meaning Indicating return to a previous condition Action, state
Valency Noun-stems, verb-stems Verb-stems
Productivity Productive Productive
Frequency of occurrence Frequent Not very frequent
Connotational characteristics Neutral Neutral


*this suffix forms nouns from verbs, usually verbs of French or Latin origin:

denial, refusal, removal. Don’t mix up with the suffix “-al”, which has the meaning “the idea of being the kind of” and forms adjectives: comical, seasonal, natural.



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