Truth. Author’s note ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 7 из 7 Truth
Sounds trite, but life gains its meaning, There’s no harm in dreaming, I swore an oath to myself - to become a seer, It will work out. One thought seems to appear - That sooner or later we all lose, No matter what road we choose.
But when will that be? I’m young and free - In search of light, I am making my way now, A proud wanderer that does not bow!
I won’t step back, dudes, - Pioneers got the right attitudes, Pioneers don’t ever yield, Pioneers don’t need a shield.
Anyway, everything will be cool If you don’t become a brain-sick fool. Tomorrow will be a new morning, Though today it’s storming.
Start living with a smile, Don’t go into exile. Beyond the darkness there’s certainly light. We’ll put an end to this exhausting fight.
Let the head crack and ache, This pain won’t make me forsake My maxims and beliefs!
Memories of the past - run away. Do not call. Never. Do not live. Do not breathe. Do not call. Do not write. Quit the game. Drown your life. Fall down. Do not hold on. Fall down. Do not fly. Go away. Go away. Do not cry. Fly away like rooks. Go away. Do not look. Go away. Run away. It’s a long way.
I will not whine.
Do not look at me. I still have a heart in me. Crashed, stamped, but beating. One single hertz repeating.
I still have something that arms me, Something that sets me free, Causes an almost steel look; What forbids me to read a tearful book And go back in my thoughts ineptly. I live and my riposte is deadly.
I am a prophet, but some are just substitutes, Limp trees without roots.
They drive me mad. They talk about life, About how they suffered, About how they are completely broken!
What is so fashionable - to seem unhappy?
Can I tell them how sick I am of them? Like I was poisoned.
May I tell them?
I don’t want to understand, To dwell in a blind bitter land. Hypocrisy, pathos, drama - I want to evade all the trauma.
Maybe it's me? Is it just me?
If they are all deaf, I will fight for changes. Why am I concerned about strangers?
Let's play a game, arrogant life? Forgive me if I thrust a knife. Well, better hold on, ‘Cause I won’t be gone.
Look into my eyes; well, come on, look - I’m not drowning, it was nothing you took.
Aren't you afraid, or what? In vain. I am capable of causing pain. Hey, arrogant life, you owe me a debt. Don’t you dare to relax yet.
Let's play a game, arrogant life? I will dictate you rules to survive.
December, 2019
Author’s note This book is called “Truth”. The name is complex and many-sided as life itself, and this collection of poetry is about life. It resembles a free flow of thoughts, incorporating everything meaningful that happened to me during the time I was in high school. Of course, the first of these three years is more profoundly reflected in my first book “When a Heart Loves”, but the general impressions of that time were embodied in some of my latest poems which were included in “Truth”. But it is not only love here. Here is the truth. This is a story about my becoming as an adult, about the state in which I am now and in which I will enter the next stage in my life - student-hood. I adhere to the philosophy that the truth of humans’ existence is in the emotions that people feel throughout their life. Therefore, most poems are called just that, briefly and concisely, as the names of feelings and emotions. Some, telling about my spiritual rebirth through growing up, rather indicate a state - for example, " Renaissance. " Other set forth my thoughts on my life purpose, as in “Prophets”. High school will always stay a very important stage of my life, and I suppose it would have developed quite differently if there hadn’t been the people around me who were there eventually. I am talking mainly about my wonderful teachers, many of whom have significantly changed my world view. Love for these people, gratitude, and indescribable diversity of tender feelings for them - all this was collected in the poem " People". Finally, I draw the conclusion in the poem “Truth”, which gave the book its name. It outlines my life concept. This is the new me.
Contents On the Verge of Madness Stands Happiness 6 Passion 6 Despair 7 Hope 7 Uncertainty 8 Bewilderment 8 Serenity 9 Determination 9 Delusions 10 Apprehension 11 Acid 12 Separation 13 Contempt 14 Oneness 15 Prophets 15 Renaissance 16 Happiness 17 People 18 Truth 19 Author’s note 21
[1] What I have written, I have written (Latin)