On the Verge of Madness Stands HappinessСтр 1 из 7Следующая ⇒
To live honestly, one should make mistakes, begin and quit, always fight and lose. Passive lifestyle is mental meanness. - Leo Tolstoy
To Life Itself On the Verge of Madness Stands Happiness
Have you ever drown in a human? Not for a second or two, But so that, closing your eyelids, You lose gravity once and for all?
So that one simple thought Is enough to derive you of sanity, To make your heartbeat stop dead, To kill you with happiness quietly?
I didn’t know that in our century Such feelings can arise, I am myself drown in a person, I am a martyr among all saints.
March, 2019
You are a part of mine, I’ll put my life on the line And give away my last breath, I’ll be ready to face even death.
You hold me so tight, We can’t extinguish delight. What is destined to us? What is to become of us?
You’re hiding so much light To diffuse the darkest night, You’re shining right here, I’m watching you near...
March, 2019 Despair
Can’t breathe, can’t cry, I’m sick, and I will die, Tracing the letters of your name, Swelling in grief roaring flame.
So my trip to hell begins. Will I wash away my sins? When we mourn above the burning coals, May God have mercy on our souls.
My love, never leave me alone, You know I won’t ever atone, Let us swim across the ocean of pain, So way down we go again.
September, 2018 Hope
Honey, don’t take from me your light, Don’t tear my soul apart, I’m begging you, I’m crying out Your name so loud in the night.
We’ll face this hurricane together, You know this won’t last forever, We’ll dance through this storm, Nothing can’t stop us at all.
September, 2018