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Golf Blue Sky - Golf Jacksonville Fl - Hampton Golf Jacksonville Fl Blue Sky Golf Club (formerly Mill Cove) is located in Jacksonville, FL just a short drive from the Beaches, Downtown and the Southside. In 2014 the Club underwent more than 1. 5 million dollars in renovations to the clubhouse and golf course. Blue Sky features an updated driving range with day and night practice capabilities; plenty of fun including billiards, corn hole, and more than 20 flat screen TVs; a full-service restaurant; and 3-hole, 6-hole, 9-hole, and 18-hole golf options. Blue Sky Golf Club has no dress code - come as you are and enjoy all of the great recreational amenities! Most golf courses have this forced amenity called a restaurant, only there for an occasional golfer who needs a drink or a bite to eat. Not at Blue Sky! We believe a comfortable atmosphere and quality food with no meals over ten dollars will provide great options for non-golfing guests and golfers alike. What makes us different is the fact you can get a smoothie in the morning and a craft cocktail in the afternoon – truly unlike any other golf experience! For More Information About golf jacksonville fl, hampton golf jacksonville fl Contact us Address: 1700 Monument Road, Jacksonville, FL 32225 (904) 446-2899 Email: info@GolfBlueSky. com https: //www. facebook. com/pages/Mill-Cove-Golf-Club/200157513352270 https: //twitter. com/blueskygolfclub