Chapter 9
When the Lord Chancellor came to the palace, he was brought in before the king at once. The king said: " Is everything ready for the execution of my enemy the Duke of Norfolk? " " First we have to seal the order for his execution, your majesty, " said the Lord Chancellor. " Where is the Great Seal? " asked the king. " You always keep it. " " Oh no, your majesty, you took it from me two days ago and gave it to his highness, the Prince of Wales. " " True, most true, I remember now, " said the king. " Go and take it from him. " The Lord Chancellor hurried to Tom, but very soon he came back without the Seal. " My lord the king, " he said, " I am very sorry, but the prince is still ill and cannot say anything about the Seal. " The king said: " Do not ask him for it again. " Then he said: " Oh, my poor child, my heart is so sad and I love you so much. " He closed his eyes and was silent for a moment. When he opened his eyes and saw that the Lord Chancellor was still there, he shouted at him: " Don't wait for the Great Seal. We cannot find it. Go and take our small Seal. My enemy, the Duke of Norfolk, must die tomorrow. Tomorrow you must bring me his head. "
1. Answer the questions.
1) One day the Lord Chancellor was brought in before the king, wasn’t he? 2) What did the king ask him about? 3) Was everything ready for the execution of the Duke of Norfolk? 4) Did Tom say anything about the Seal? 5) What did the king think about the Seal?
2. Find the following words in the text:
Печать - …….., Ваше величество - ………….., Ваше высочество - ………., Казнь - ……….., указ - ………, враг - ………, герцог - …………