Chapter 11
As Miles Hendon and the little prince were going away from the palace, Edward also heard the cry: " The king is dead. " It made him very sad, because he knew that now he was alone in the world. But suddenly he heard another cry: " Long live King Edward the Sixth. " " Ah, " he thought, " I am king now. " And he felt proud. They came to the door of the inn where Miles Hendon lived. Suddenly they heard a voice: " Where have you been all this time? If you try to run away from your father once more, I shall give you a good whipping. " John Canty was standing before them. " Is he really your father, lad? " asked Miles Hendon. " No, no, he is not, " cried the little king, " I shall not go with him. " " If so, " said Miles Hendon, " stay with me. And you, " he turned to John Canty, " you go your way, or I shall kill you! " So John Canty had to leave the little prince alone and go away. Edward and his new friend entered the inn and went to Miles Hendon's room. It was a very poor room. There were only a bed, a table, two chairs, and a washstand in it. The little king went over to the bed and lay down upon it. He was very tired and hungry. " Please call me when supper is ready, " he said, and fell asleep at once. Hendon smiled and said to himself: " He uses my bed as if he owned it. He really imagines himself the Prince of Wales. But I like him and shall take care of him. I shall be his brother. He needs a friend. " A servant came in with a hot meal, put it on the table and left the room. When Hendon went over to the bed, Edward opened his eyes. " We shall have a nice supper now, " said Hendon. The boy got up and went to the washstand in the corner. He said: " I want to wash. Hold the towel for me. " Hendon smiled to himself but took the towel and held it till the boy finished washing. Then he went to the table, sat down, and was about to eat his supper. But the boy said angrily: " How dare you sit in the presence of the king? " " All right, " thought Miles Hendon. " Let him imagine himself the king. I shall pretend that I believe him. There is nothing else to do, I'm afraid. " " I think you call yourself Miles Hendon, " Edward said. " Yes, sire. " " If I want to pretend that I really believe him, I must call him 'sire' and 'your majesty, '" thought Hendon. " I must play my part well. " " Tell me about yourself, " the boy said. So Miles Hendon told him his story. He was the son of rich parents. His mother died when he was a boy. He had two brothers: Arthur and Hugh. He left home when he was very young, because he had quarrelled with his brother Hugh. And his father, who loved Hugh better than his other sons, turned Miles out of the house. He became a soldier and took part in many wars. During a battle he was taken prisoner. Seven years passed, and then he came back to England. He did not know anything about his family and was travelling to Hendon Hall to see his father and his brothers. " Your story is very sad, Miles Hendon, " said the king. " You are a kind brave man. You helped me when I needed help so much. I want to thank you and give you something for your kindness. Name your wish. " Miles wanted to thank the boy and tell him that he did not want anything, but then he thought: " I must ask him to allow me to sit in his presence. " So he fell upon one knee and said to the king: " Sire, I have one thing to ask of you: will you allow me to sit in your presence? " Edward thought a little and then said: " All right, Miles Hendon, I will allow you to sit in the presence of your king, and not only you, but your children and your grandchildren as well. " Hendon sat down and began to eat with great pleasure, saying to himself: " It was clever of me to ask him for that. Poor boy, poor little 'king of the kingdom of dreams. '"
1. Answer the questions.
1) How did the prince learn about the king’s death? 2) Did it make him sad? 3) The prince understood that he had become the king, didn’t he? 4) Was Edward’s behaviour strange for Miles Hendon? 5) Did Edward want to know Miles Hendon’s story? 6) Did the prince want to thank Miles Hendon for his kindness? ==
2. Find English equivalents in the text: - тотчас же уснуть – - Ваше величество - - ссориться – - умывальник – - королевство грез – - испытать гордость - «Я должен хорошо исполнить свою роль. » - - «Я задам тебе хорошую порку! » - - «Да здравствует король! » - - быть захваченным в плен – - выгнать из дома -