Chapter 4
When the little prince was at last left alone, he looked about him, but he did not know where he was. He rested a few moments, then went on and soon came to a large square with only a few houses in it. Suddenly he saw a crowd of boys who were running, jumping and playing ball. " Good lads, " said the prince, " will you show me the way to the palace? I'm Edward, Prince of Wales, and I've lost my way. " The boys shouted at this, and one of them said: " You are a beggar, that's what you are! " The prince's face got red with anger, and he said proudly: " I am the prince, and you are bad cruel boys. " Everybody laughed at these words, and one of the boys cried to his comrades: " Down on your knees, slaves! Greet your prince! " With cries and laughter, all the boys fell on their knees. The prince pushed the nearest boy with his foot and said angrily: " Take this, and before tomorrow comes, I shall hang all of you! " The boys stopped laughing and got angry too. " Where are the dogs? " some of them cried. " Set the dogs on him! " In a minute the Prince of Wales was beaten by the boys and torn by the dogs. As night came, the prince found himself in a part of the city that he did not know. He had many bruises on his body and hands, and his rags were covered with mud. He was very tired. " Offal Court — if I can find it, then I am saved, " he thought, " for Tom's family will take me to the palace and say that I am the real prince. " It began raining, the wind rose, and the homeless prince still walked on and on. Suddenly a big drunken man stopped him and said: " Still out? And have you not brought anything home? If I do not break your neck, then I am not John Canty! " " Oh, " cried the prince. " Are you his father? Then let us go to the palace and you can take him home. " " His father? What do you mean? I know that I am your father. " " Oh, please, take me to the king, my father, and he will make you rich. Believe me, oh, believe me. I am indeed the Prince of Wales. " The man looked down at the lad, shook his head and said: " You are mad. But a hard whipping will do you good... " And with these words he dragged the prince away.
1. Answer the questions.
1) Where did the little prince find himself? 2) How did Edward behave himself? 3) Where did he come at night? 4) Whom did he meet in Offal Court? 5) What did John Canty do with the prince?
2. Find six irregular verbs in the past tense. Make your own sentences with them.