Instructions.. Write THREE ESSAYS AND A REPORT by hand in your notebooks after doing research.. ESSAY 1.How can countries achieve sustainable development. Discuss with reference to one country you are familiar with.. ESSAY 2. Discuss differences in gende ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 4 из 4 Instructions. Write THREE ESSAYS AND A REPORT by hand in your notebooks after doing research.
Choose at least two sources (videos and texts) and make notes using any method ( page 45). Write an essay of 300+ words. The essay must have in - test references and the bibliography at the end.
ESSAY 1. How can countries achieve sustainable development. Discuss with reference to one country you are familiar with. Write a 300-word academic essay on the topic after doing some research. Make notes while reading and listening. Include 2 in-text references in your essay. Materials: CAE Upper- Intermediate, Unit 5.
ESSAY 2. Discuss differences in gender roles in different cultures. Write a 300 - word essay on the topic. You must refer to 2-3 appropriate sources using the prompts from CAE Student’s Book and include in-text links and bibliography. Materials: CAE Upper-Intermediate, Unit 6.
ESSAY 3. Evolution versus Creation. Topic: “Is evolution theory scientifically sound? Discuss. ” Choose ONE point of view and write a 300+-word defend essay. Your essay must be based on research, and notes must be attached to the essay. Include at least 2 in-text references and a short bibliography at the end. Materials: 1. http s: //www. youtube. com/watch? v=9JVnsCRK_qA DrLuklama “Evolution’s four fatal flaws”. 2. http: //www. scientificpsychic. com/search/evolution. html 3. Your own materials.
REPORT. Social entrepreneurship as an example of finding solutions to a community. Choose a social enterprise. Research: • Situation (do market research and include statistics); • Problem ( include 2-3 subproblems); • Solution ( support by calculations, develop a business plan); • Evaluation ( Strengths-Weaknesses-Opportunities- Threats) Write a 400+- word report on the topic. Your report must have the following subheadings: Situation, Problem, Response, Evaluation. Include visuals, i. e. graphs, tables and diagrams. Support your findings with 2-3 references. Write it in a formal style. Materials: CAE Upper-Intermediate, Unit 7. https: //www. youtube. com/watch? v=nlXKcpgPP6M& t=388s https: //www. youtube. com/watch? v=9_g5RqwW51I Your own materials.