REPORT. Social entrepreneurship as an example of finding solutions to a community.REPORT. Social entrepreneurship as an example of finding solutions to a community. Choose a social enterprise. Research: • Situation (do market research and include statistics); • Problem ( include 2-3 subproblems); • Solution ( support by calculations, develop a business plan); • Evaluation ( Strengths-Weaknesses-Opportunities- Threats) Write a 400+- word report on the topic. Your report must have the following subheadings: Situation, Problem, response, Evaluation. Include visuals, i. e. graphs, tables, diagrams. Support your findings with 2-3 references Write it in a formal style. Materials: CAE Upper-Intermediate, Unit 7. https: //www. youtube. com/watch? v=nlXKcpgPP6M& t=388s https: //www. youtube. com/watch? v=9_g5RqwW51I