13. Talk about the history and the present day of a big American city (Listening Comprehension. Text: “San Francisco”).12. Talk about the actual realization of the project of an English student theatre touring Eastern Europe and Russia: the problems and the rewards. (Section V, «Drama in Cambridge»). We all have dreams. But in order to make dreams into reality, it takes an awful lot of determination, dedication, self-discipline and effort. Although Cambridge University has no course in drama, it is probably the most active center of student theatre in Britain, and has consistently turned out a large number of well-known alumni. Cambridge Theatre Overseas is only one of a large number of theatre groups within the University. It functions exactly like many other groups: it is run entirely by students, who can combine their commitments to the society and its projects with their academic syllabus. Cambridge Theatre Overseas is dedicated to touring overseas, formed in 1995. The concept of touring to Eastern Europe and Russia originated two years ago and since then the students had been working on turning their plan into reality. Initially the project seemed impossible. But British Embassies and British Council offices in each city gave them a hand and facilitated finding venues and raising money. It is a testament to the hundred plus people involved in the project that, against all odds, the tour was happening with tremendous success. As a result the group visited Poland, Belarus, the Baltic States and Ukraine, performing in a vast variety of venues, ranging from 900-seats theaters to a ruined Cathedral. To line it up the members of Cambridge Theatre Overseas underline that the process was difficult but rewarding. They were prey to many fears over the reception of Shakespeare’s plays of non-English native speaker audience. But against all odds, they looked further within the text and within themselves, tried to grasp the essence of the play and brought it out in a way that does not require a British sensibility to comprehend, but which appeals to all. 13. Talk about the history and the present day of a big American city (Listening Comprehension. Text: “San Francisco”). On this look out, we enjoy one of the most of the spectaculars views of San Francisco. As you can see, the city rests on a series of hills, bearing in altitude from sea level to 938 feet. The 1st permanent settlement was made at this side in 1776. When the Spanish military post was established on the end of the peninsula. During the same year San Franciscan fathers founded the mission San Francisco deAsis on the hill above the post. A trail was cleared from the military post to the mission and about half way between the two, a station was established for travelers called Yerba Buena, which means “the place where good herbs grow”. For thirteenyears the village had fewer than 100 inhabitants. But, in 1848 with the discovery of gold, the population grew to 10. 000. The same year the name was changed from Yerba Buena to San Francisco. By 1862 telegraph communications linked San Francisco with Eastern cities. And by 1869 the 1sttranscontinental railroad connected the Pacific coast with the Atlantic seaboard(побережье). Today San Francisco has a population of almost 3 ml. It is a financial center of the West and serves as a ( tramenous) transit point for transpacific steamship lines and air traffic. The port of San Franciscowhich is almost 18 miles long with 42 piers(пирс) handles between 5. 6 mltones of cargo annually. And now, if you will look to your right you should just be able to see the East section of the Golden Gate bridge. The bridge, which is more than 1 mile long sends the harbor from San Francisco to Marine Coutney and the Redwood highway. It was completed in 1937 and cost of 32 ml dollars and it is still one of the largest suspension bridges(подвесноймост) in the world. How long is the Golden Gate Bridge? According to the tour guide what happened in the 1848? What was the settlement called before it was renamed in SF? What is the population of SF today? How much did it cost to complete the construction of the Golden Gate bridge?