10. Share your impressions of the book you’ve read and discussed in class during this term.From all the brilliant, exceptional authors that I have read over the years, one in particular has lived on in my mind ever since my childhood: Oscar Wilde. I was no more than a child when I first read his fairy tales, which I have read over and over again, and that never fail to bring a lump to my throat. In accordance to my self-guide memo for the exam, I read “Fairy Tales” by Oscar Wilde. Moreover, I was amazed by some facts of the biography of this tremendous genius. The book “Fairy Tales” includes “The young King”, “The star child”, The Nightingale and the rose”, “The Happy Prince”, ”The Selfish Giant”, “The Cantervile Ghost”, “The Birthday of the Infanta”. I can read this book over and over again and never fail to stir emotions. To quote Wilde himself, “If one cannot enjoy reading a book over and over again, there is no use in reading it at all. ” " The Young King " is a wonderful, philosophical story which claims that the luxury of the rich comes through the pains of the poor. Oscar Wilde wrote a clear self-transformation portrait of the lad. At first, the author introduces a description of the night before the day fixed for the young king'scoronation. This lad is the child of the old King's only daughter by a secret marriage. He lives in opulence and extravagance. Indeed, he is so fond of beauty that he sends away many merchants to traffic for amber, to look for turquoise and to buy Persian carpets and Indianivory. The actions rise when he dreams three dreams of the people who suffers to weave the robe for his coronation, get the pearls for his scepter and seek for rubies for his crown. The actions reach their climax when he decides to wear a leather tunic and sheepskin cloak instead of the golden rope, a shepherd's staff instead of the scepter and a spray of wild brier instead of the crown. Here, all the people refuse him to be their king and advise him to return to the palace and weak a king's raiment. At last, a miracle happens, his ragged cloths are turned to be a king's raiment, and he is crowned. I do believe in magic and miracles, perhaps that is why I always interpret my dreams. While reading this story I was full of amusement of the mystical dreams turned out to be a reality of the treasures origin.