4. Talk on how parents feel about their children travelling on their own for the first time (Section VI, «Traveller»).“There are two times when parenting is the most difficult. When the baby arrives at home, and when the adult leaves home. ” Jennifer Quinn
It goes without saying that parents are always get worried when their children go abroad to visit new places and get to know other ways of living. Without any doubt traveling is necessary for all of us as it broadens our minds and horizons, it is kind of relaxation and a wonderful opportunity to get away from it all. When children go on a journey, they relax their body, refresh their spirits and renew the energy. But they may not even guess that their parents can’t sleep for a while thinking of them. Just imagine, a father or a mother helps the child to get ready for the first travel abroad. At the luggage store they want to buy him a suitcase, but he heads for the duffels and says that suitcases are more for old people. The American boy went to London, called his father and reported that London was like no place in America. The boy was really fascinatedby visiting new place in Europe. He hiked though a crowd of Scottish sheep and climb the mountain in a rainstorm, that was about to blew him off the summit. In France he tried to speak French, but French he learned from the cassette didn’t hold the water in Paris. His father asked himself what it was all like. He was never been himself outside the US, except two visits to Canada, and when he was young he made a list of experiences he intended to have before he reached 21. But he had never done them to fulfill his dreams. So when his son called, he sat down all the kitchen table and hung on every word. He just sat and listened. He had never listened to a telephone so intently and with such pleasure as he did then. It was wonderful and moving for him to hear news from his son that was so new for him. And when his 15-year-old son returned home from abroad with a dozen rolls of exposed films and a hundred dollars in uncashed traveler’s checks, he sat amazed. Youth travels light: no suitcase, no sports coat, not much luggage, and a slim expense account, and yet he went to the scene, got the story and came back safely. Father says that the night when your child returns with dust on his shoes from a country you have never seen is a night you would gladly prolong into a week.