2) Prove the problem of overpopulation is an urgent one. (“The Population Bomb”)Figures and numerous facts prove that the population growth has changed dramatically since ancient times. The length of time necessary to double the world’s population has become shorter. 6. 000 years BC, 1. 000. 000 years were necessary to double the world’s population, but now it takes just 37 years to witness this kind of phenomenon. It is plain that the density of the population on earth is increasing and optimistic scientists even assert an idea of an interstellar migration. Though it is considered as totally utopian.
The demographic growth explosion provokes a destructive chain, where every element leads to a great disaster, effecting everybody. Let me put you in the picture. The main threat of population growth is the possibility of malnutrition and undernoushment that may start first in some underdeveloped countries and then can easily spill over into the rest of the world. Simply the main occupation is going to be farming. I am afraid the human race is going to starve and there will be not enough of food for all the people, or perhaps the quality of it will worsen because of a growth of harmful agricultural production methods, devastating for the environment. Fertilizers, synthetic pesticides, DDT and detergents can be devastating, transforming complex ecosystems into simple ecosystems. Monocultures are a case of such mutation. Soon simply the plants will die. If people continue using the same methods, the inhabitants of the planet earth will suffocate. The world has not witnessed all the disastrous consequences yet. The main feature of the people is that they act as in the proverb: “he won’t lock the barn door till after the horse is stolen”.