Candidature Form. of the National Member Organization⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 12 из 12 Candidature Form Name of the Candidate (first/middle/last) National Member Organization of the Candidate
for the following period Period Candidate is applying for Applications have to be sent to lme@ifmsa. org before April 15th, 2018 @ 23: 59 GMT. For your candidature to be considered complete, make sure you have submitted the following documents. The subject of the email must be “[WFME Internships] Application – Last name, First name”: · A filled out candidature form, signed and stamped by the President of the candidate’s National Member Organization (this document). · A motivation letter. · A curriculum vitae.
By signing this candidate form, the candidate fully accepts to abide by the IFMSA Constitution and Bylaws. Date and Location Signature of Candidate
By signing this candidature form, the candidate’s national member organization enters into liability for any damages caused by its applicant throughout the internship. This applies for the entire duration of the internship. Date and Location Signature and Stamp of the President of the National Member Organization