EVS volunteer in Czechia for nine months, starting 1st March 2018!
EVS volunteer in Czechia for nine months, starting 1st March 2018!
When: from 1st March to 30th November – nine months activity
Hosting Organisation: Spolek Hvozd NGO culture-educational space in countryside
Applications deadline: 1st February 2018
About the hosting organisation We transform traditional farm homestead into energy-selfsufficient house and maintain surrounded land, meadows and orchards and the whole site as an eco-farm based on permaculture principles including singnificant manufacturing possibilities. Situated in beutifull mountain landscape of national protected area Č eské stř edohoř í. We focus on those topic: 1 eco farming - creating and maintainance of vegetable and herbal gardens, fruit orchards, seed harvest and food preservation. 2 hand-crafts - art-joinery, traditional carpentry, pottery manufacture, clay plastering. 3 community and culture - organising seminars, workshops and culture events either at NGO centre or in the village. Team work with other volunteers and visitors.
Our target group is people who care for their environment and look for ways to live a self-sufficient life. All info, photos, etc, will soon be at www. spolek-hvozd. cz
Volunteers tasks
The volunteers are involved in any of the practical works that the members of NGO do, under constant task-supervision, proportionaly divided into: - 50 percent - work in gardens and orchard, terrain maping for planting-design needs, seeds treatment, food preserving; - 25 percent - manufacturing items of art or daily use in workshops, repaire of tools and equipment, fire-wood handling, carpenter´ s machines maintenance, sharpening hand-tools, etc. - 25 percent - specific project planning, non-formal education on subjects as community communication and enviromental awareness, evaluation of finished projects and tasks, socializing with guests and instructing of short-term volunteers. Socialising with the local villagers and participation at common events and activities.
On daily basis, there are the works in the gardens and orchards and forest – preparation of plants, transplanting, maintaning old fruit trees, planting new trees, cutting grass, making compost in all different ways, collecting the harvest, processing the harvested fruits and vegetables, collecting seeds and seed propagation, some forestry work such as maintaining the paths and collecting fire wood. Thease activities are dependent on season from April to October, during process of thease activities volunteers get experience important for learning principles of gardening in permaculture way, thanks to longer period he/she can really observe own results of work.
We are open for experimental approach, and we are used to explain our own experiments, so volunteer can discuss specific topic with us and than make his/her own experiment, or get our „know how“. Solving problems together helps to the exploration relationships in the nature. In the case of bad weather we usualy do work inside, in the workshop or in the kitchen. The volunteers are expected to be involved in preparation of communal meals, and maintainence of our communal areas. On the kitchen we share knowledge of how to make bread, how to use local vegetable and herbs, how to save energies, how to store vegetables and make special recipies for fermented vegetables and pickles.
The participants will get practical view into the life on permaculture farm in Czech village, will be involved in the local community and their communication skills will improve significantly. They will have the opportunity to reflect on their own culture, perceive the common traits and differences in comparison with other cultures, and understand the importance of cultural diversity. They will discover their potencial in crafting objects of daily-use or art in wood, pottery or metal workshop. Will be surounded by music, musicians and can become a part of music instruments making.
- how to design and manage resilient small-scale farm systems with annual and perennial plants, prepare eduacational and cultural events with continuous flow of short-term volunteers. from 1st March to 30th November – nine months activity - how to bake bread, preserve food for the winter, seed-saving techniques, managing community food-bank. - how to care and maintain a healthy cultural landscape based on Permaculture principles (scything, small-scale animal husbandry, landscaping, plant guilds, integrated forest gardening, herb use) - traditional crafts like working pottery, cabinetmakery, clay-plastering, wood carving, weave. - natural building - basic carpentry, clay plastering, stone work) - homesteading - making fire wood, making fire, using and repairing basic craft tools.
The participants will live together in one farm household, sharing responsibilities for the place and plants, they will need to coordinate their daily household tasks, they will have to be able to communicate their needs and ideas. They also will be meeting dozens of visitors and short-term volunteers who will take part in the work of the farm. The participants will need to take care of visitors and other volunteers. The participants will experience closeness and community, but also the need for boundaries and clear communication. Food and accommodation, language course, health insurance, travel expenses and mentoring are covered by the Erasmus+ programme. The volunteer will receive a monthly pocket money 120?. The candidates have to meet the following criteria: · Be available for the whole duration of the project · Be 18-29 years old · Have spanish or estonian nationality · Speaking basic english and to be interested in learning Czech · Be ready to live in an intercultural context in a rural area, where the closest town with facilities is at 15 minutes by our bike.
To apply, fill the online form on this link before January 31st, 2018 and send your motivation letter (CV) with picture at spolekhvozd@gmail. com. The pre-selected candidates will be contacted for a skype interview on February 1st-2nd. Looking forward to host you here…