A.. Articles can be submitted in English orA.. Articles can be submitted in English or B. in Russian with an abstract in English that does not exceed 80 words
Format of Articles An article may not exceed 5 pages (including figures, tables, and references)
Page size: A 4 Fields: Top, foot, left, right – 20 mm. 14 point font Times New Roman, single-spaced Contracted forms are not advisable, except for generally accepted ones (e. g., etc. ). The submitted articles should have the following structure: 1. Paper title; 2. Surname and First Name of the author with affiliation; 3. Surname and First Name of the Paper Tutor Example of a reference in the text: [Zuck 1996: 21] or [Zuck 2001], if the page of the quotation is not given. Bibliography should be in the end of the article in the order of references: Zuck, А. Z. Development of children’s intellectual abilities. Moscow, 1996. (Times New Roman12 regular) S A M P L E
TITLE OF THE ARTICLE (CENTRE alignment, TIMES NEW ROMAN FONT, 14 pt, BOLD, CAPS) NAME SURNAME (of the author, Times New Roman font 12, bold, italics, caps) NAME SURNAME (of the supervisor, Times New Roman font 12, bold italics, caps) Affiliation with an Institution Summary, Font Times New Roman 12, in italics, single vertical spacing. 10 mm paragraph.
The efficiency of the transportation industry can be improved by using the apparatus of strategic management. For many organizations, strategic planning is the first step in their strategy execution evolution. For organizations with a longer track record employing strategy execution methodologies, strategic planning helps refine an existing balanced scorecard framework, strategic objectives, and key measurements. [5]