First Announcement and call for papersFirst Announcement and call for papers
October 1-5, 2018, Tomsk, West Siberia, Russia
Federal Agency for Scientific Organizations, Russia Institute of Petroleum Chemistry SB RAS, Tomsk, Russia Institute of Strength Physics and Materials Science SB RAS, Tomsk, Russia Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk, Russia Tomsk Region Administration Scientific Council for Chemistry of Fossil and Renewable Carbon-Containing Raw Stuff, Moscow, Russia Institute of Chemistry and Chemical Technology MAS, Ulan Bator, Mongolia Department of High-Molecular Compounds and Petrochemistry, National Research TSU, Tomsk, Russia Russian Technology Platform “Technology of Production and Use of Hydrocarbons” Russian Technology Platform “Deep Processing of Hydrocarbon Resources” Russian Technology Platform “Ecological Development” invite you to attend X International Conference “Oil and Gas Chemistry” In the frame of International Conference the 8th Workshop of young scientists and Competition of innovations will be held Scientific Program
A. Oil and Gas Chemistry. Oil dispersed systems. Regularities in distributions of hydrocarbon, heteroatom and high-molecular compounds in oils, gas condensates and in organic matter of rocks. New methods intended to study oils, composition and structure of oil components. Natural bitumen and oil shale – unconventional hydrocarbon sources: resources, distribution in stratigraphic complexes, compositional and structural features. Laboratory simulation of the impact of natural and anthropogenic factors on the compositions and properties of oils and natural bitumen. B. Enhanced Oil-and-Gas Recovery, Treatment and Transportation of Oil and Gas. Physicochemical, microbiological and complex methods intended to improve oil, gas and condensate recovery including oilfields with difficult-to-recover reserves; the impact of the methods of enhanced oil recovery on composition of the recovered oil; advanced technologies used to treat bottom zones of oil and gas wells; promising technologies for oil and gas conditioning and transportation; problems of production, conditioning and transportation of high-viscosity and highly paraffinic crude, development of oil and gas deposits in the Arctic region.