Blobfish is ugliest animal. Diamonds are forever. Radio Days.. Riverside Hotel. The Greyhound.. The Small Screen. Без названия. Anita Roddick (1942-2007). Graphology at work. The hot river ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 6 из 6 Anita Roddick (1942-2007) In 1976, Anita Roddick opened the first Body Shop in Brighton, England. She sold skin creams made from natural ingredients in environment-friendly containers. Anita had travelled to many different countries as a student. She NOTICED that ordinary women in Africa and south-east Asia did not buy expensive creams for their skin, BUT used simple local materials like cocoa fat and lemon juice. She DISCUSSED his with a plant expert, and together they developed a completely new KIND of skincare product. Today there are over 2, 000 Body Shops around the world. Anita Roddick showed people a new way of DOING business successfully. Graphology at work Can your handwriting reveal anything at all concerning your character? Enough, perhaps, to decide whether you will get the job that you have applied FOR. Graphology, the science of analysing handwriting, is being used by recruitment personnel in a growing number of companies. Business consultant Eleanor Sturgeon says, 'Companies find it helpful but it all depends on both HOW much they know about graphology AND the way they use it. ’Sturgeon points out that handwriting analysis is only a part of the recruitment process. ‘If someone doesn't get a job, ' she says, ‘it won't be just BECAUSE of their handwriting. Almost certainly, they wouldn't HAVE got the job anyway. The hot river Deep in the Amazon jungle there’s an amazing natural phenomenon: a river so hot it almost boils. How on EARTH is that possible? It’s all down to a series of hot springs that heat up water flowing into the river. It’s the only river OF its kind anywhere in the world. Of course, hot springs are not unique to this area – they CAN be found all over the world. They normally occur where there are volcanoes, yet there are none anywhere near this river. Locals have, on occasion, BEEN known to swim in the river, but only after heavy rain has reduced the temperature considerably. More often than THAT, the river is used simply for making tea and cooking.