First test. Monkey barsFirst test https: //www. youtube. com/watch? v=axykzbw2sJ4 We had to take a test. Our teacher told us that on Friday the test will have to be graded though. And it had 52 questions, and my stomach was hurting. I couldn`t sleep at night. I had nightmares twice a week. And when this test started my stomach was hurting, but I tried my best on it and I got 100 per cent. (I felt: worried/carefree/frustrated)
Monkey bars https: //www. youtube. com/watch? v=OphByGm6vB8
Recess (амер. Перемена в школе) Monkey bars –конструкция для лазания At lunch recess I was on the monkey bars. And I was really good at them because I swang so high that my feet went like – so pretend that my arm is the monkey bar. This is me. And these are my feet. Me feet went like chh, chh. An so I could grab on to another and then… oops! Because my hands were slippery and they had blisters (волдыри) and they were hurting, my hands slipped off the middle bar and I went swirling down, like I was lying down in a tornado. I fell back (упаланаспину) first on the wood chips (древеснаястружка). And like (вроде) only two people came to help me. Other people laughed at me, two of my classmates. (I felt: selfish/hurt/accepted)
https: //www. youtube. com/watch? v=1S3fap8U9l0 Dodgeball (вышибалы) [1] So I was playing dodgeball. I got a lot of people out. Then, I was running. And then a guy fell because of someone else – because someone accidentally tripped him (споткнулся). And then since I walked right past him, they thought I did it. I said, ’I didn`t do it! ’ And then I ran away and didn`t play dodgeball that day. But then next day I told them I didn`t do it. They just didn`t talk to me. And I just kept playing dodgeball. (I felt: included/ frightened/blamed)
[1] Dodgeball is a game in which players on two teams try to throw balls at each other while avoiding being hit themselves.