https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6RuNzTeHop8. Emotions and the brainСтр 1 из 4Следующая ⇒ https: //www. youtube. com/watch? v=6RuNzTeHop8 Dr. Tal Ben-Shahar We`ll answer your questions. Let`s see what Wasim from Singapore is asking. “I`ve been working in the same place for over three years and I`m unhappy. My boss is constantly after me pointing out my shortcomings and often scrolls me in public. Getting up in the morning for work is a challenge. Being at work is a challenge. And I come home at the end of a long day exhausted and irritable. I cannot afford to leave my job. I have a family to support and my visa in Singapore will be revoked if I leave the company”. You know, Wasim. I can feel your struggle through your words. It`s no fun feeling miserable at work and it`s even worse when we feel it at a place where we see no way out, locked up in our predicament. So let me try to offer a few ideas that may help. Alright. So first of all I`d like you to try to get out of all-or-nothing assessment of your work situation. Even in the most difficult of circumstances we usually have a choice. What happens to many of us however is that if we`re in certain oppressive environment for a long time we lose sight of the possibility of change. We become helpless. Even though the objective circumstances do provide us some way out. So put your helpFUL rather than helpLESS glasses on for a while and sit down to write about the options that MAY exist. Can you do something else at work that will take you away from your boss`s scrutiny? Could you ask for a transfer to another department or perhaps you can even talk to your boss? Now granted none of these suggestions may even be relevant. But I know that sometimes there are solutions that we overlook especially if we`ve been in a particular situation of helplessness for a while. Second, if you cannot exchange your external circumstances you may be able to change your attitude. Now I`m maybe taking this too far with my example but allow me to show one of my favorite quotes from Viktor Frankl, a psychologist who survived the Auschwitz concentration camp during World War Two. Here is what he wrote: ‘Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms – to choose one`s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one`s own way’. In just about every situation, you have a choice, as to(вотношении) the attitude you assume. You can focus on the positive aspects of your work, say, your colleagues, your contribution to something important, your ability to handle your bosses` ire (гнев) or the fact that you can provide for you family. I recommend that you take a look at the reflection on finding your calling (призвание). It`s relevant (важно) to what you`re going through right now. And finally, if all else fails there may be ways that you`re not seeing right now: to leave your workplace without disrupting (разрушение) your life. I go back to the feeling of helplessness. Sometimes we think ourselves (мывоображаемсебя) into being stuck when we`re not actually stuck. If you feel comfortable and have not done so already share what you`re going through with your friend or your partner. Help them sort of reflect what you`re going through to you. You don`t need to carry all this burden by yourself and they may be able to help. The bottom line is (главное) that even in difficult situations much more is under our control than we think. Good luck with it all, Wasim! (удачитебевовсем). And viewers, if you have questions regarding your own or others` happiness, please send it to Happier. TV. www. happier. tv
Emotions and the brain