Examination Card №32I. Reading One morning the King wanted to send him on another errand but he saw the page sitting on his chair by the door and sleeping. The King got angry and wanted to wake the boy up and scold at him when suddenly he saw a piece of paper on the floor beside. It was a letter from Carl's mother who thanked him for wages he had sent her and asked the boy to be faithful to the King. The King went to his room on the tiptoe, took 10 gold pieces, wrapped them into the letter and put them all into the boy's pocket. After a while he rang the bell loudly. The page came quickly into the room. He was frightened and ready to cry as he had found 10 gold pieces wrapped in his mother's letter and knew nothing about them. The King assured the boy that money in his pocket was a gift of fortune as a reward for his work and asked Carl to send this money to his mother with his compliments and promise to take care of her and her son. II. Writing Dear Sue, III. Speaking According to the ancient legend, Kyiv, the capital of Ukraine, was founded by three brothers, Kyi, Schek and Khoryv, and their sister Lybid, at the end of the 5th - beginning of the 6 centuries. The city was named after the eldest brother Kyi. Kyiv means the city of Kyi, The historic part of the city consists of the places that formed hundreds of years ago: Podil, Pechersk, Lypky, Zwynets, Obolon, Klov, Gonchary and others. Kyiv is a city of invaluable historical and cultural monuments, a city of great events and outstanding people. Everyone will find there something especially interesting for himself. The art and architecture of Kyiv are considered world treasures. Many famous artists, poets and writers estimated the unique beauty of this city. The most renowned landmarks include: St. Sophia's Cathedral with outstanding mosaics and frescoes dating back to the 11th century; Kyiv-Percherska Lavra; the Golden Gates; St. Andrew's Church; the Cathedral of St. Volodymyr and many other attractions. The Kyiv-Pecherska Lavra (the Monastery of the Caves) and the St. Sophia's Cathedral attracted pilgrims for centuries and now are recognized as UNESCO World Heritage Sites. These sites are also part of the Seven Wonders of Ukraine collection. Kyiv is distinguished for its rich cultural life. Theatre lovers will find many theatres offering various theatrical performances. A lot of various exhibitions are carried out in the city's numerous museums and art galleries. The Ukrainian capital is one of the largest European scientific and cultural centres. There is a wide web of scientific establishments, higher education establishments, specialized schools, lyceums, gymnasiums, places of culture and art. Being the largest city of Ukraine, Kyiv is a leading industrial and commercial centre of the country. The development of Ukrainian economy gave impulse to business activity of the city. There are a lot of new office centres, banks, trade exhibition centres and other commercial enterprises in the city nowadays.