Examination Card №31 I. Reading II. Writing III. Speaking Nowadays we get flooded with music: singers and songs become popular very quickly due to the special radio programmes and TV channels. There is seldom a week when there is no a song or a music contest. Besides, almost every Saturday and Sunday a great number of people gather at disco parties to dance and relax. Music is the thing that unites them. As music expresses our most beautiful and sincere feelings, it's difficult to imagine a person who would not love it. The knowledge of classical music helps us to get to know ourselves better and, thus, develop our own vision of life. Music created by Bach, Mozart, Beethoven, Chaikovsky, Grig, Schubert, Rachmaninov - is likely to be understood by everybody despite their status in a society or occupation. This is classical music that has influenced me most. Modern generation listens to new styles of music such as techno, rock, reggae, hip-hop etc. Our parents used to listen to the Beatles more. Rock music is not as intense as it was when our parents were of our age. Now this genre of music is just to listen to when we feel down. Some others might just listen to it because there's some good beats or guitar riffs. We normally just listen to whatever sounds good. Slow music helps us to relax. This is the best type of songs to do homework with, preferably piano versions of our favourite songs with no lyrics. Dance songs have great beats to dance to and it also sounds good in our teenaged ears. Hip hop and R& B are mainly good combinations of sweet beats and nice verses. I personally like these two because they're good genres to break-dance with and yet are good to listen to when you're not dancing. Rap is not the type of music that I really enjoy listening to. This is the 'rebel' music of this generation's teens, like rock was in the previous one. These songs are basically about all the things kid's shouldn't do... maybe that's why they listen to it; we always tend to want to rebel from what society/parents try to tell us to do. " Music is a higher revelation than all wisdom and philosophy, " the outstanding German musician Ludwig van Beethoven said. For me personally, this means that music maintains us in comfort in all walks of life.