Examination Card №27I. Reading On the way to the Grand Canyon they drove through Atlanta, Birmingham and several other cities including Checotah, Oklahoma, Amarillo, Texas, Santa Fe and New Mexico. When they finally reached the Grand Canyon by train the boy was astonished at the immense sizes of reddish rock. After the forty eight hundred miles journey they got twenty-five postcards and many impressions to tell about through the years. II. Writing Did you know that each of us uses 77 gallons of water a day? Did you know that approximately 30% of a household's energy consumption is from lighting? So what can you do to save them? Simple. Save water and electricity to help keep our environment clean. III. Speaking To have healthy eating habits we need to focus on three things: when, what, and how much. Nutritionists recommend eating three solid meals every day, and adding no more than two or three snacks to that total. What we eat matters as much as when you eat. There are four main food groups to build your daily menu of: milk and dairy foods; meat and fish; vegetables and fruit; potatoes and cereals. A lot of meals are a combination of two or more of the main food groups. Determining how much we need is also the important piece of the eating-well puzzle. Using smaller dishes is an easy way to prevent mindless overeating. Another important point is the fact that most ingredients have a seasonal period when they taste best, and much healthier to eat. Cooking with seasonal ingredients will give the best results. We also have to respect the rules of the art of cooking and follow the recipes. As well as in other countries around the world, the fast food giants such as Mc Donald's, the Pechena Kartoplia and the like are enjoyed by many customers. Even though we agree that junk food is not good for us, many teenagers like going and eat there. Most often it is because they offer tasty food, quick service and value for money. The extensive menu includes salads, grilled or crispy chicken, hamburgers or cheeseburgers, sandwiches, fries, ice cream, delicious desserts, soft drinks and coffee. The menu is flexible and it is often enriched with new dishes. However, it's better to eat only a little of these, because they contain a lot of fat, sugar and salt. It is our responsibility to choose, store, handle and prepare food in a safe and hygienic way to keep it safe for our family and friends to enjoy. If we always did what is best for us and never made poor decisions concerning food, we would have a better health and live longer.