Examination Card №25I. Reading It was a great honour for the 5th grade student to become a member of " The Sixth Grade Student Council". This year there were too many students who wished to join the council. They were an exceptional group and have been ever since starting Kindergarten. Mr. J. had a special announcement for them. He had applied and been offered the job at a local high school. As soon as the children heard it the tears started flowing, tears of sadness and disbelief. Mr. J. was happy that he was following his dreams, but his students were crushed with the news. Nevertheless, they had to accept this decision of Mr. J. When we let people or situations go, then we allow ourselves to grow, logically and spiritually. II. Writing III. Speaking This has made it possible for many people to benefit. Firstly, the Internet is a medium, which allows users to access information of various sorts very quickly from anywhere in the world. Secondly, documents from the World Wide Web and various other services such as instant chat, email are also available through the Internet. Thirdly, those who are unable to go out may get opportunities to work from home. Various other doors have been opened to the average human, and everyone has taken advantage of the creation. Moreover, the Internet has made a lot of activities very easy. The medium is used for almost all purposes, even with important issues such as education and government organizations. The drawbacks exist as well. To start with, virtual crimes have appeared. Hackers can steal money from the bank accounts with the touch of the buttons on the keyboard. Also, plagiarism is the problem of our time. People sometimes steal information and pretend that it is theirs. Finally, with so much socializing on the Internet, we sometimes forget how to socialize in real life. In fact, many people prefer to socialize on the Internet. This drastically cuts the chances down of being able to just go out and have fun. In our modern world, I think, everybody should be aware of the changes in technology and should follow the new trends, otherwise you will suffer from a big disadvantage in every area. It is not enough to know how to send an email, it is also important to know how to browse the net sensibly. You should be able to distinguish real information from fake. The Internet can be a very useful tool if it is in the hands of a person who knows how to use it.