Examination Card №3I. Reading Wearable sensors are fit while people play video games. They monitor their emotional reactions and capture information about heart rate to measure stress and anxiety levels. They also measure changes in skin conductivity and the amount of facial muscle movement. By combining the results of measurements the researchers can get a rate of a person's stress level. II. Writing III. Speaking Firstly, a true friend should be honest and trustworthy. Without these characteristics, you cannot have a good relationship with anyone. What is more, both partners in a friendship should have these qualities. A proper friendship is one based on equality. Secondly, I believe that it is important to share similar interests with your friend. It would be very difficult to keep a friendship going if the two people had nothing in common. Thirdly, an ideal friend is one who you can turn to in times of trouble. Friendship is not only about having a good time, but being able to give or ask for support whenever it is needed. Some of the closest friendships have developed under very difficult circumstances. Friendship is one of the few kinds of relationship we have control over. Although, we can't choose our relatives or teachers, we can choose our friends. Friendship takes time: time to get to know each other, time to build shared memories, time to invest in each other's growth. Real friendship looks at the heart, not just the " packaging". I am lucky to have a good friend. Her name is Yevhenia. She is a university student. My best friend is fun-loving, cheerful and kind-hearted. She is outgoing and active, but she can be moody at times. She doesn't like it when something goes wrong. My friend is a person I can always rely on. She can keep a secret and usually helps me decide what to do in a difficult situation. My friend knows all positive sides of my character and my drawbacks. But nevertheless, she still likes me. Genuine friendship is both challenging and exciting. It risks, it overlooks faults, and it loves unconditionally, but it also involves being truthful, even though it may hurt. " The way to have a friend is to be one, " one saying goes. So it is really important to be a friend to others if you want to have a lot of friends.