Examination Card №1Стр 1 из 50Следующая ⇒ I. Reading Other European universities give preference to learning Arabic and Chinese, but Simon Franklin, professor, Department of Slavonic Studies at the University of Cambridge, noted that the understanding and studying of Ukraine is on time because the British lack elementary knowledge of the Ukrainian history, culture, language and literature. The aim of the programme is to train a new generation of analysts and politicians who know and understand Ukraine. The students of the University of Cambridge will be able to learn Ukrainian as the second foreign language. Besides, this programme is aimed at establishing Ukraine as a European nation and a reliable geopolitical partner of other countries. II. Writing Dear Jane, III. Speaking The general conclusion has been that man's been the cause of this global warming primarily due to the burning of fossil fuel and the emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases. The latest news is bad and getting worse from day to day. The rise in temperature results in melting of ice sheets and glaciers around the world and in the rise of the sea level. Some scientists predict that by the year 2050 some parts of Great Britain will be under the sea. There is alarming evidence to prove serious changes in major ecosystems and the planetary climate system. Ecosystems as diverse as the Amazon rainforest and the Arctic tundra, for example, may be approaching the dramatic change through warming and drying. Different species of animals lose their habitats and their number reaches the level of extinction. The potential for runaway the greenhouse warming is real and has never been more present. The most dangerous climate changes may still be avoided if we transform our hydrocarbon based energy systems and if we initiate rational and adequately financed adaptation programmes to prevent disasters and migrations at great scales. The tools are available, but they must be applied immediately and in many countries around the world. Regardless of the temperatures, we all need to take care of our planet.