Tricky Job Interview Questions ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 4 из 4 Tricky Job Interview Questions 1. What are your greatest weaknesses? 2. What critical feedback do you most often receive? 3. Why do want to work with us? 4. Why should we hire you? 5. Can you rate your previous boss? 6. What is more important to you – money or status? 7. How do you handle stress? 8. What have been your most positive and negative management experiences? 9. Why are you leaving your present job? 10. Do you have any regrets? 11. What is your greatest achievement? 12. What do you know about our business? 13. What usually makes you lose your temper? 14. What are your salary expectations? 15. What can you bring to our company? 16. How would your past colleagues describe you? 17. How does this position fit into your desired career path? 18. Where do you see yourself in 5-years’ time? 19. What does your success look like in this position? 20. Do you have any questions for us?
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