Scene 4 - The walk to Dracula's castle
Narrator 4: Soon they stop because there are 5 paths.
Sammy Skeleton: Which is the path to the castle?
Ugly and Mug: Look! A sign post. We don't want to go to the squirrel park, and we don't want to go to the graveyard.
Crazy Black Cat: And we don't want to go to the fox park or the deer park!
Mrs Beast: Look! This is the road to the castle! Let's go!
Narrator 5: It's night and very dark in the forest. BUMP, Mug falls down.
Mug: Ouch! What's this?
Sammy Skeleton: Stop! Let me see. Oh, it's a hand!
Ugly: And here's a foot!
Narrator 6: The moon comes out from behind a cloud and everyone can see …
Mrs Beast: Oh! How lovely, I think this is Dracula's garden!
Mr. Beast: Yes it is and look at that beautiful scarecrow!
Ugly and Mug: Wow! Look at those cool plants!
Mug: Here's an eye plant and an ear plant!
Sammy Skeleton: And here's a hair plant and a mouth plant!
Crazy Black Cat: Look! A nose plant and a leg plant!
Mr Beast: How wonderful! A head plant and a hand plant!
Ugly: I like the neck plant and the foot plant!
Mug: I like the tooth plant and the arm plant best!
Mrs Beast: It's late, we must go to the castle. We don't want to be late for the party!
Narrator 7: Finally they can see the castle. But there is one small problem. The castle is at the top of the hill!
Sammy Skeleton: I can't climb to the top of the hill!
Mrs Beast: I can't climb to the top of the hill!
Ugly and Mug: We can't climb to the top of the hill!
Crazy Black Cat: I can! I can run up the hill. Goodbye!
Mr Beast: Dracula says there are steps! We must look for the steps!
Mrs Beast: Oh, no! Here are the steps! And … there are hundreds of steps.
Narrator 8: There are one thousand four hundred steps! The Beast family and Sammy Skeleton walk up and up and up the steps!
Narrator 9: They are all very tired when they finally arrive at the top of the steps!
Narrator 10: Count Dracula is waiting at the top of the steps on the terrace.
Narrator 1: The terrace is beautiful. There are coloured lights and big tables with purple plates, red roses and black candles.
Narrator 2: There are jack o' lanterns and ghosts, spiders and bats. A wonderful terrace for a Halloween party!
Count Dracula: Welcome to my castle.
Ugly: Wow! This castle is really cool!
Mug: Let's go and explore.
Mr Beast: Not now boys. Now we must have a shower and change our clothes for the party.
Ugly: OK! WE can explore later.