Scene 1 - The invitationСтр 1 из 6Следующая ⇒
Halloween Holiday
Scene 1 - The invitation
Narrator 1: The Beast family have an invitation from Count Dracula.
Narrator 2: Mr and Mrs Beast, their children Ugly and Mug, the twins and baby Boris are in the dining room with their cat Crazy Black Cat.
Narrator 3: Their friends Sammy Skeleton and Wanda the witch are sitting at the table with them.
Narrator 4: Mr Beast is reading the invitation.
Mr Beast: Dear Beast Family and friends,
I am having a Halloween party at my castle in Transylvania. Please come on Friday and stay for three or four days. Lots of my friends are coming – we can have great fun!!!
You can travel from London to Romania by plane, train, bus or car. The nearest airport is in Bucharest. You can hire a car and drive to my castle.
When you arrive you must look for the steps, because it is difficult to climb up the hill to the castle!
See you at the party!
Count Dracula
Narrator 5: How do they want to travel to Dracula's castle?
Mrs Beast: I want to travel by plane.
Ugly: So do I!
Mr Beast: I want to travel by car.
Wanda: So do I!
Sammy: I want to travel by bus.
Crazy Black Cat: So do I!
Mrs Beast: No! Baby Boris is always sick in cars and on the bus. We must go by plane.
Narrator 6: Ugly and Mug go to their bedroom to pack their bags.
Narrator 7: They are laughing and telling jokes!
Ugly: What do you say to a monster with 2 heads?
Mug: I don't know.
Ugly: Hello! Hello!
(Ugly and Mug laugh and laugh)
Ugly: And… When is it bad luck to meet a black cat?
Mug: I don't know.
Ugly: When you're a mouse!!!!
(Ugly and Mug laugh and laugh)
Mug: This one is funny… Where do ghosts post their letters?
Ugly: I know! At the ghost office!