Step-by-step preparation. HousewarmingStep-by-step preparation When you have decided on the provider you need, you do not need to move headlong to some new hosting plan. Take care of your own website even on the current hosting. Be sure to make a full backup of your site. This can be done very easily using special applications via FTP. Basically, to do this, you need to compress the entire resource into an archive using the file manager in the hosting control panel. After that, save a copy of the resource to your computer via FTP. To avoid unstable operation of your website on a new hosting, you need to make sure that the entire original directory structure is preserved. Housewarming After a successful backup of your website and transferring it to a new $1 Unlimited Hostingusing previously known FTP applications, you can start configuring the site itself. This can include account configuration, as well as configuring file access rights, assigning passwords, email, and files. It should also be mentioned about the change of the DNS server. You should receive all the necessary information about the DNS change in a special information letter immediately after registering on the provider's website.