The Subtleties Of The Process Of Changing Hosting ProviderThe Subtleties Of The Process Of Changing Hosting Provider Hosting or hosting is a special service for providing full-fledged disk space for physically placing various data on a server that is constantly connected to the Internet. A hoster, hosting company, or hosting provider is a company that provides hosting services. The main function of hosting is to store your resource on their servers and make sure that the site is always available to visitors. Therefore, it is necessary to choose and compare hosting very carefully. Changing the hosting provider is a rather serious decision for today's webmaster and if you are seeking for 1 Dollar Hosting, consider the suggested source. Key signs that you need to change your hosting company for a long time: · the cost does not correspond to the quality of hosting; · a reduced set of services; · helpless and slow technical support; · Bad attitude to the client. Do not be afraid of moving to a new hosting, because the future of your resource will completely depend on it. So, where do you need to start, if you are planning to move to a new hosting? Changing the provider: the subtleties of the process Search for a reliable hosting provider Currently, everything starts with the search for $1 Web Hosting. On the Web, you can find many thousands of hosting companies with quite attractive tariff plans. However, it is worth digging a little deeper, and immediately there are a lot of negative comments about the work of this hosting. Who should I believe? First of all, trust yourself. Delve into the question: check the technical condition of the server well, ask the technical support about load tolerance, and also ask about protection from DDOS attacks and security measures. Also pay attention to how long the company has been working on the market. The longer the provider is " on air", the larger its user base and the more stable the equipment.