8. Подготовка к монологической речи. Монологическое высказывание по теме.8. Подготовка к монологической речи. Монологическое высказывание по теме.
- Imagine that you are a counsellor. Watch the video again. Choose one teenager and tell him/her what to do in the situation. You have 5 minutes.
(просмотр видеосюжета)
· I have chosen the second boy. His problem is bullying. I think he should talk to the teacher. He should tell his friends about it. They can help. …
9. Подведение итогов. Выставление оценок.
· Look at the picture.
(на доске висит плакат) 1. What is it? - It is the phone number? 2) What service is it? - It is helpline. 3) Where is it? - It is in Arkhangelsk. 4) Did you call there? - Yes, I did/No, I didn’t. 5) Do you want to become a counsellor? Why? Why not? - I want (don’t want) to become a counselor, because… - So, now you know about the helpline for children in our city. You can recommend it or use it, if you need. Your marks are the following… 10. Рефлексия
· If you liked the lesson, show the sign (палец вверх). Why? · If you didn’t like the lesson, show the sign (палец вниз). Why not? · If you are not sure, show the sign (прямая ладонь параллельна полу). Why? - The lesson is over. Good bye.