4. Введение новых слов. 6. Работа с текстом.. 7. Подготовка к диалогической речи. Диалогическое высказывание по теме.4. Введение новых слов - The text at page 39 will help us to do it. But there are two problems. What are they? - Two problems are words in bold and word formation. - Let us read the words in bold all together after me.
(на доске написаны слова)
confidential bully shelter fundraise further volunteer
- Read and translate the words, please. Write them down. - конфиденциальный; запугивать, издеваться; кров, приют; сбор средств; дальнейший, дополнительный; доброволец, волонтер.
5. Аудирование. - Now listen to the text and form the words.
(прослушивание аудиофайла)
- Words: trained; have been saving; living; thought; more; pressure; commonest; listening; donation. - Какие это части речи? – Какой способ словообразования вы использовали? - Это видовременные формы глагола; причастие I, II; прилагательные; существительные.
6. Работа с текстом.
· Now the text is all right. Let us answer the questions. Ex. 4 p. 39. Work in groups. You have 5 minutes. (на доске написаны вопросы) 1. What is ChildLine? 2. Where is it located? 3. Who does it help? 4. How can someone get involved?
· Childline is a free, 24-hour confidential helpline. It is located in the UK. It helps children and young people who have problems. You can fundraise, start a peer support scheme at your school, make donations …
7. Подготовка к диалогической речи. Диалогическое высказывание по теме. - Make up a dialogue about Sophie. Work in pairs. Questions will help you. You have 2 minutes.
(на доске написаны вопросы)
- What is her name? - What is her problem? - What did she do? - How did it help her?
· Her name is Sophie. · Her problem is bullying. · She called ChildLine. · She felt more confident.