


Случайная статья

5. Results of modeling.. 6. Conclusion.. List of references.

5. Results of modeling.


5. 1. Results of modeling in subsystem SimEvents.

For the model presented in the attachment №1 we carried out a modeling with total of details equal 1000. Results of modeling are given below.

Total number of arrived details: 1000 details.

The quantity of the details processed on the first site: 388 details.

The maximum length of turn before the third site: 2 details.

5. 2. Results of modeling in subsystem StateFlow.

For the model presented in the attachment №2 we carried out a series of modeling with total of details equal 1000. Results of modeling are given below.


Number of modeling




6. Conclusion.

During this term paper we executed modeling of the shop with three sites two ways:

1) using StateFlow Simulink Matlab subsystem

2) using SimEvents Simulink Matlab subsystem. If necessary, use additional blocks StateFlow and Simulink

According to the results of experiment we can say that our both models working equally and simulation results are similar to each other. The results received in this work can be applied to the real factory of processing of details.


List of references.

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Attachment №1

Attachment №2


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