7. BILLION. I HOPE EVERYTHING IS CLEAR, IF IT’S NOT, WE WILL DEAL WITH THIS. 2. VERBS RAISE/RISE/ARISE. TO RAISE (RAISED, RAISED — REGULAR VERB)— ПОДНИМАТЬ e.g.: Raise your hands (recollect your schools). When you use the verb «to raise», you always need ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 3 из 3 7. BILLION
The word " milliard" is also used in British English for such numbers, but such use is becoming rare. The word " milliard" is not used in American English. The word " milliard" is used in Russian in the meaning " a thousand million". The word " billion" is not used in Russian.
8. In less formal speech and writing, especially in American usage, four-digit numbers that are multiples of 100 are often named in the following way: 1100 – eleven hundred; 1200 – twelve hundred; 1500 – fifteen hundred; 1600 – sixteen hundred; 2300 – twenty-three hundred; 4400 – forty-four hundred; 5600 – fifty-six hundred.
2. VERBS RAISE/RISE/ARISE the verbs RISE and RAISE are abit similar in the meanings but different in use: TO RAISE (RAISED, RAISED — REGULAR VERB)— ПОДНИМАТЬ e. g.: Raise your hands (recollect your schools). When you use the verb «to raise», you always need to add a direct object (прямое дополнение), if I say: «Raise your.. », it’s not clear what exactly I want you to raise: eyes, hands, legs … SO, ALWAYS USE A DIRECT OBJECT. E. g. He raiseed this question at the last meeting. TO RISE (ROSE, RISEN |ˈ rɪ zə n| NOT |ˈ raɪ zə n|- IRREGULAR VERB ) — ПОДНИМАТЬСЯ, Iin this case, you don’t need a direct object. Compare: The government raised prices. —Prices rose.
TO ARISE (AROSE, ARISEN |aˈ rɪ zə n| NOT |aˈ raɪ zə n| ) — ВОЗНИКАТЬ, ПОЯВЛЯТЬСЯ: e. g. The problen has arisen with our suppliers.