Millions of people went on a strike. (NO PRECISE NUMBER)Стр 1 из 3Следующая ⇒
You are going to deal with two topics: 1. FIGURES AND NUMBERS (!!!! READ CAREFULLY THIS SECTION IN THE MANUAL):
The words " digit, figure, number" may present some difficulty: The word " digit" refers to any of Arabic figures from 0 to 9. Examples: the digit 4; the digit 7; a three-digit number; a group of three digits; use digits to write these numbers.
The word " figure" refers to a numerical symbol for a number and can also refer to the numerical value of a number. Examples: the figure 4; Arabic figures; a six-figure number; a figure of 3. 5 million; round figures; write these numbers in figures and in words. The word " figures" can also mean " arithmetic": He is good at figures.
The word " number" refers to quantity or amount (in various fields of application) and is one of the main concepts in mathematics. Examples: whole numbers; natural numbers; prime numbers; even numbers; odd numbers; large numbers; round numbers; negative numbers; the number 12; the number twelve; the number 165.
1. DON’T ADD -S WHEN YOU’VE GOT A PRECISE FIGURE OR NUMBER: e. g. Two million (NO -S IN THE END) NOT Two million BUT Millions of people went on a strike. (NO PRECISE NUMBER) 2. If a number CONSISTS OF TWO FIGURES, we should write the number as two words separated by a hyphen (lдефис): e. g. 35 thirty-five 3. In British English we always use «and» before ONES AND TENS (ЕДИНИЦЫ И ДЕСЯТКИ), AND NEVER BEFORE HUNDREDS: e. g 2002 — two thousand AND TWO 2024 — two thousand AND twenty-four 2324 — two thousand (NO «AND» ) three hundred AND twenty-four 2, 625, 310 — two million six hundred and twenty-five thousand three hundred and ten
In American English they don’t use «and» at all 2324 — two thousand three hundred twenty-four