What is PR? What are the difference between PR and Advertising; PR and Marketing? ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 3 из 3 What is PR? What are the difference between PR and Advertising; PR and Marketing? PR is the Persuasion Business. You are trying to convince an audience to promote your idea, purchase your product, or support your position. Here’s the definition that the Public Relations Society of America (PRSA) agreed upon: “Public relations is a strategic communication process that builds mutually beneficial relationships between organizations and their publics. ” PR can be used to protect, enhance or build reputations through the media, social media, etc. A good PR practitioner will analyze the organization, find the positive messages and translate those messages into positive stories. When the news is bad, they can formulate the best response and mitigate the damage.
Many people confuse public relations with marketing and advertising. Although there are similarities, there also are key differences. Probably the most important difference between marketing, public relations, and advertising is the primary focus. Public relations emphasizes cultivating relationships between an organization or individual and key publics for the purpose of managing the client’s image. Marketing emphasizes the promotion of products and services for revenue purposes. Advertising is a communication tool used by marketers in order to get customers to act. Theimagebelowoutlinesotherdifferences.