THERE was a new feeling about Bellemont Farm that infected everybody. The word had gone out far and wide that the vineyards were going to be bigger and better than ever before. Experts had been called in to advise on the best location for a new cellar and tradesmen from the town descended on the estate in force to begin on a long list of repairs. Never again will I have to defer to my father or to Martin, Suzannah thought. Nick might own everything but there was no struggle between them for ascendancy, rather a shared strategy. Their minds had always worked on the same plane. Nick trusted her to do what she knew best. She had been part of this for so long she knew exactly what she had to do to make Bellemont thrive now that she was given free rein. All the workers on the estate became used to seeing her walking through the vineyards making her daily inspections. Alone or accompanied by either Hans or Kurt Schroeder. Often she stopped to have a chat with a worker in the field or she was found in the low-vaulted passages of the wine cellar given over to the storage of the Chardonnay with its clean, delicate character. Nick was keen on developing the Rhine Riesling, which Suzannah preferred to the Chardonnay, her father's commercial choice. Negotiations were already going on to acquire Sevenhill Farm on their western boundary. A property of about eighty hectares with a family tradition of making dessert wines. Production had dwindled since the owner had lost his two sons to the attractions of city life. The riding school, too, preoccupied her mind. The school was to offer riding tuition, dressage, show jumping, cross country. Of the people Suzannah had interviewed, Nick had given her the okay to select three of the applicants, two well-qualified women and right out of the blue a young man she had known for years, a brilliant rider, who had been selected for the forthcoming Olympic team. When Nick could find the time they intended to visit several studs to buy experienced horses for Bellemont. Ex-racehorses, show horses for the advanced riders, quiet, sensible horses for the children. Shetland ponies could sometimes be irritable, Arabs too temperamental for children to control. She well remembered her father taking her up before him long before he bought her her first pony, a darling Connemara called Sunrise when she was quite a bit younger than Charley. She had won dozens of ribbons as a schoolgirl and she prided herself on the skills imparted to her by her highly accredited coach, long retired. Suzannah was talking to the foreman responsible for getting the Olympic-size indoor arena back to its top condition-Bellemont Farm had prided itself on its magnificent facilities-when Hans called to her. " You have a visitor, Suzannah. She's waiting for you on the porch. " " Did she give her name, Hans? " Suzannah asked cautiously, walking out into the radiant sunlight. She wasn't expecting anyone. " She said only you knew her. " Hans shrugged. Why then the panic? " What does she look like? " Suzannah walked with Hans across the cobbled court yard. " I hope I did right, Suzannah? " Hans, catching something tentative in her manner, looked dismayed. " Of course you did. " Suzannah patted his arm. " It's just that I wasn't expecting any one. " " To be honest, " Hans scratched his ear " -I've never seen her before. But she's very respectable, all right. A good-looking woman driving a BMW. " " Bright chestnut hair? " Suzannah very nearly gasped. Now Hans was looking agitated. " Like a new penny. If you want, Suzy, I can get rid of her. " Suzannah laughed a little grimly. " I'd better take care of it, Hans. You can stay close. I'm sure I' ll have to tell her to go. " " You mean she's trouble? " Hans didn't want anyone causing Suzannah trouble. He had known her since she was a baby. He understood the sufferings in her life. " I can't imagine what else it would be. " Suzannah tried to ease her expression. " Don't worry, Hans. I'll take care of it. " " And I'll be in the rose garden giving Archie a hand. Just in case. " " Thank you, Hans. " Suzannah knew perfectly well she could trust Hans with her life. The woman called Adrienne was sitting calmly on the porch looking up with a pleasant smile when she saw Suzannah approaching. " Good morning, " she called. " I was passing and I knew I just had to come in and see you. " " If you don't mind, I have a problem with that, " Suzannah said coolly, walking up the short flight of steps. " Nick never did say, but I'm certain you were the person who sent the poison-pen letter to my late father. " The woman looked at her as if she'd gone mad. " Please allow me to express my sympathy, " she said. " It broke my heart when I lost my own father. He was very dear to me. " She stood up, advancing towards Suzannah, hand out. " We haven't met properly, I know. I'm Adrienne Alleman. I'm a good friend of Nick's. " Suzannah ignored her outstretched hand. " I'm sorry, Miss or is it Mrs. Alleman? " " Mrs. Alleman, " Adrienne supplied, letting her hand drop with a mock wry expression. " I'm a widow like yourself. " Her cat's eyes narrowed over Suzannah's face and body. " I must say you're very beautiful. Even in a T-shirt and jeans. I can quite see how Nick got himself so very involved with you. " " Perhaps you could tell me, Mrs. Alleman, exactly why you're here? " Suzannah asked crisply. " May I sit down? " Adrienne raised her delicate winged brows as if finding Suzannah's social skills wanting. " For a short time, certainly. " Suzannah took the wicker chair opposite her. " How extraordinary it is to be talking to you, " Adrienne mused. " I've had so many run-throughs in my head. " " I can quite believe it, " Suzannah responded. " Forgive me, but I'm viewing you as the enemy here. You didn't deny sending that letter to my father? " " What would be the point? You've convicted me already. " Adrienne brushed a non-existent speck off her short jade linen shirt. " Though I can't deny we women have a great capacity for vengeance. " " I shy away from it myself, " Suzannah said coldly. " Ah, then I have a good, strong, positive nature. " Adrienne's tone turned quite spiteful. " You know the old adage, all's fair in love and war. " " How did it help you? " Suzannah asked. " Nick was filled with dismay and disgust at your actions. He doesn't operate that way and he doesn't have any time for people who do. " " He loved me once. " Adrienne's face twisted, calling forth a pang of pity. " Did he tell you that? " Suzannah asked more gently. " Every time we made love, " Adrienne said and threw up her head. " I couldn't count the number of times. He's a wonderful lover, isn't he? So passionate and imaginative. He knows exactly when you like it a bit rough, the wonderful moments to be tender. " The quaver in her voice belied her challenging demeanour. " I'm sorry if you've been hurt, " Suzannah murmured, pained by visions of Nick and this woman together. No wonder Nick hated any thought of Martin. " Sorry isn't good enough, my dear, " Adrienne answered. " No need to look at me with your purple eyes and don't play the nun. I was devastated when I found out Nick had fathered your child. He never said a word. " " For the simple reason he didn't know, " Suzannah responded, watching Adrienne frown disapprovingly. " You mean you kept it a secret from him? " Adrienne shook her head in horror. " And you have the hide to question me? " " I didn't realise I was answerable to you, Mrs. Allemen, " Suzannah said coldly. " You play no part in my life. As I understand it you no longer play a part in Nick's. " Adrienne laughed. " Well of course you expect me to give him up gracefully. Terribly sweet idea, but it's not on. Nick led me to believe we would marry. He allowed me to fall deeply in love with him. Now he expects me to get lost because his darling Suzannah is back on the market. How convenient for you both your husband was killed. " Suzannah wasn't about to sit around and be insulted. " You didn't know my husband so don't talk about him, Mrs. Alleman. " Adrienne gave her a pinched smile. ``my contacts tell me he had a young woman in the car with him. " " Who died as well, " Suzannah pointed out grimly. " She was very young. I refuse to talk about it. " " What about we discuss the subject of your child? " Adrienne challenged. " Nick's child. I know, too, the White family believe her to be one of them. It's said her grandmother, her aunts and her cousins adore her. " All at once Suzannah felt ill. " What are you getting at? " she demanded. " A deal. " Adrienne leaned towards her as if they were friends. " Invent some scenario to send Nick off. You're very good at it, I believe. Do that and I won't be sending off any more letters. " " You'd write to Martin's mother? " Suzannah looked at her with contempt. " I think I have a legitimate reason. " Adrienne raised her arched brows. " You're the deceitful one of the two of us. " When horrors hit, they hit hard. " You can't possibly think such an action would endear you to Nick? " Suzannah asked. " Oh, I know he'll retaliate if he finds out, " the older woman shrugged. " He could very Iikely ruin me in business if he chose, but I've always looked on him as a compassionate man. Until now. " " You're wrong to think I'd keep it from him. " Suzannah threw down the gauntlet. " What exactly are your plans? " Adrienne asked angrily. " Nick and I will be getting married after a period of mourning for my father. " " You surely can't be thinking of getting married in this town? " Adrienne sneered in disbelief. " It's none of your business. " " I think I warned you. I'm going to make it my business, " Adrienne snorted. " Maybe Nick will never come back to me but he sure as hell is not going to forget me. " God, she's got eyes like a falcon, Suzannah thought. " Just how much are you capable of? " she asked. Adrienne laughed dangerously. " I'll stop short of murder. Only because I'd very likely be caught. I never quite realised how powerful is my jealous streak. But then I've never met anyone remotely like Nick in my life. I believe I'd still have a chance if only you would bow out. " Suzannah shook her head. " That's not going to happen. Nick has set his whole mind to our getting married. Nothing I could do would dissuade him. Not now. Not ever. You mustn't know Nick as well as you think you do. " Adrienne stood up, pushing back her wicker chair. " Then it seems I have to do your job for you. Let Mrs. White know the child she's adored all these years is no relation at all. If it's true you and Nick are going to get married, then I'm dead-set on spoiling things for you. People don't talk about `a woman scorned' for nothing. Nick cheated on me. There's not going to be a happy ending. " The morning hadn't been heralded by any ill omens, Suzannah thought later. Everything had started out so well. She had dropped Charley off to play with her cousins, observing how Valerie, Martin's mother, stood waving her off, an arm around each grandchild, Charley and Laura, with Lucy playing with the family collie dog, trying unsuccessfully to make it fetch a ball. It was a scene she had witnessed many times, grateful for the family togetherness, but since Martin's death and Nick's reappearance in her life it had all become very sad and confronting. The very last thing she wanted to do was inflict more pain but since Adrienne Alleman's visit it struck her she didn't have much option. It would be terrible for Martin's mother to find out Charley wasn't her grandchild under any circumstances but to receive a letter from a vindictive stranger! All that remained was for Suzannah to find the strength to make her confession. That very afternoon when she picked Charley up. Nick would be ringing in the evening and she would have to think carefully what to say to him. What residual feeling did he have for Adrienne? He had cared for her once. Their affair must have gone a long way for Adrienne to believe it would culminate in marriage. Adrienne Alleman was a striking-looking woman who would turn heads, but she had been given a great handicap in life. She had no compassion. Around three-thirty that afternoon Suzannah drove the dozen kilometres to the White riverfront estate with its gracious elegance and lushly landscaped gardens. Like Bellemont the plantation-style homestead was regarded as one of the finest residences in the State. She and Martin had grown up very much the rich kids of the district, neither of them thinking very much about it, the beauty and tranquillity of their surroundings, having pretty much everything they wanted. It was just the way it was, one of the bonds they shared. Nick was the catalyst that changed their lives. She supposed had there been no Nick, Martin might well have kept his easygoing charm instead of having it destroyed by the jealousy that ran deep in his veins. She had certainly been fond of him. She might even have come to marry him freely only Nick had stolen her heart when she was just a child. As she had stolen his in equal measure. Martha, the housekeeper, greeted her warmly, showing her through the house to the rear garden with its turquoise swimming pool and cabana. Valerie was relaxing on a recliner, feet from the three little girls sporting happily in the sparkling water. All three raised their hands, calling out a welcome. Martha sat upright, a warm smile on her gracious face. " Ah, Suzy, I was just planning some afternoon tea. Have you time to join us? " It was now or never. She could no longer shield anyone from the truth. It would inevitably come out as she had always known. " Actually, Valerie, " she said, unaware her face was very pale, " I must speak to you privately. " Valerie looked so at ease Suzannah deeply regretted the need to upset her, but Adrienne's visit weighed heavily on her. Her mother-in-law didn't look entirely surprised. " Certainly, dear. Let's get the girls out of the pool. They can get changed and Martha can give them their afternoon tea in the conservatory. " " I've had such fun, Mummy, " Charley exclaimed, coming up to Suzannah and accepting the towel her mother was holding out to her. " Laura and Lucy are dying to enrol in our riding school. " " That's lovely. " Suzannah smiled at the two pretty little girls, Nicole's children, blondhaired, blue-eyed, as all the White offspring tended to be. " Grandma said you'd pick out our ponies, Aunty Suzy. " Lucy looked up to her, eyes bright with pleasure. " Leave it to me. " Suzannah reached out and patted the child's cheek in the affectionate way that drew people to her. " You'll have to start thinking up names. " There was a lot of excited chatter in the cabana as the girls changed back into their summer outfits of cool cotton tops and shorts. " What about Prince? " " What about Blaze? " " I like Misty. " Ponies names were flashed back and forth. Finally Martha came out to collect them while Suzannah and Valerie had their talk. " Shall we walk in the garden? " Valerie invited, taking Suzannah's arm. " You can tell me what you think of my latest idea. A couple of ponds near the temple house. Possibly a weir dividing them? " " Sounds lovely. " Suzannah mentally visualised the effect. " Another water garden would act as a gentle contrast to the drama of the temple. " " Just what I thought, " Valerie said, pleased. " Now what is it that's troubling your mind, Suzannah? You're so pale, dear. It hasn't been an easy time for any of us. " " All the more reason why I don't want to upset you further. " The distress was very evident in Suzannah's voice. Valerie looked off at the beautiful vista of her garden, at the marvel of the summer flowering. " We're very close, aren't we, Suzy? " she asked. Suzannah hugged her mother-in-law's arm. " I love you, Valerie. You know that. But I've been living a lie for which I blame myself profoundly. It can't go on any more. " " Why don't you just tell me? " Valerie said. They had reached a stone garden seat and both moved to sit down. Suzannah turned a poignant face to her mother-in-law. " Valerie…" She hesitated a moment, feeling terrible then plunged on, " I must tell you before another day goes by, Charlotte isn't…" " Martin's child? " Valerie broke in, her voice gentle, but emphatic. " Why do you choose to tell me now? " It was like a moment of utter stillness after an explosion. " Did you hear what I just said, Valerie? " Suzannah pleaded. " You don't sound shocked. Or even surprised. " Valerie nodded her white-gold head. " What's so shocking about it, my dear? I think I've always known. Certainly long before it occurred to Martin. " " And you never said anything? " Suzannah stared at her, biting into her bottom lip. Valerie's tone was level. " I was never exactly sure. Besides, I'd already grown to love our little Charley. There's something so utterly sweet about her. Utterly special. I could never hurt her. You see how the children are together. They're family. " " What am I to do? " Suzannah asked forlornly. " Face the truth, " Valerie said. " She's Nick child, of course. " Suzannah bowed her head. " Yes. I never dared to tell him. " The breeze was warm but Valerie gave a little shiver. " I have a clear picture of his mother in my head. I only met her a few times in the town. She was very quiet, very reserved but obviously refined. She had a very memorable face. Very memorable eyes. Charley's eyes. " Suzannah looked at her. " I don't expect you to forgive me, Valerie. " " There's a certain peace in having it out, " Valerie said and patted Suzannah's arm comfortingly. " It's your father I can't forgive, " Valerie said. " Maybe in a way my own hopes put a lot of pressure on you. It was my dream you and Martin would marry one day. Maybe it would even have happened the way I wanted, only Nick Konrads came along. I don't blame you, Suzannah, for loving him. He was, is, quite remarkable. Dazzling really. I gather he didn't know about Charlotte until just recently? " Suzannah nodded. " I fully intended to honour my marriage, Valerie. There was a price to pay. " " Even when your father and Martin manipulated the whole situation for their own ends? " Valerie asked, looking into Suzannah's eyes. " Martin felt terribly sorry about it later on. He confided to me his part in getting Nick Konrads banished from town. Make no mistakes, your father fully intended an innocent young man go to jail if he didn't accept his ultimatum. " I don't want to speak ill of your father, Suzannah, I know how much you loved him, but you must have been aware he was in his way a benevolent despot. `A control freak' Martin used to call him. He couldn't continue to control you, the one person he loved, if you married a dynamic young man like Nick Konrads. It was a darn sight easier with my poor Martin. Martin lacked strength. He became your father's man right before my eyes. Had his own father lived things might have been different. As it was! " Valerie shook her head. " It's all so sad, " Suzannah said, her heart constricting momentarily in her chest. " And we must put it behind us, " Valerie maintained firmly. There was nothing cold, or punishing or revengeful about her. " This can't he kept a private matter, can it, Suzannah? " she asked. " A man like Nick Konrads would want to claim his child. Of course you should have married him. I never did understand. " Suzannah began to cry and Valerie put her arm around her. " Mrs. Konrads refused to tell me where he was, " Suzannah explained, fighting for control. " I had caused Nick enough pain. I didn't tell her I was pregnant. The `fear' in her attitude stopped me. I think it had something to do with their old life in Europe. When they became refugees. I was young. I'd led such a sheltered life. I suppose if I dare admit it I was in awe of my father. He was very sharp with me at that time. He kept insisting Nick was not a man to be trusted. I was sick for a while. I couldn't cope. " " That was how he compelled you and Martin to get married. I was thrilled and delighted at the time but later I began to see how it was. I know how much you tried to make your marriage work, Suzannah, but Martin developed a sense of hopelessness about him. He loved you but as much as you tried you could never love him. Not in the way he wanted. The way you love Nick Konrads. " On the way home in the car Charley kept looking at her mother very carefully. " What were you and Nanna talking about? " she asked finally with an expression of anxiety. " Family matters, darling, " Suzannah said, urging herself to smile. " I didn't think anything about the family would make you cry? " Charley said doubtfully. Thank God Valerie loved Charley unconditionally, Suzannah thought. Thank God for women like Valerie. She mightn't be that fortunate with the rest of the family. " We were talking about… Daddy, sweetheart, " she explained. " Do you miss him terribly, Mummy? " Charley asked, unsure of the whole relationship. " He wasn't only my husband, darling. " Suzannah glanced at her reassuringly. " I knew him all my life. I was as close to Martin and his sisters as you are to Lucy and Laura. " Charley flushed. " I don't think Daddy loved me, " Charley said. It was stunning how much this child knew. " We've discussed this before, my love. Martin had a problem with expressing his feelings. " Already he was Martin. Not " Daddy'. " He loved you, though, " Charley said, very directly. " Maybe he didn't have enough love to go around. He didn't care I did so well at school. He didn't care they put me up a grade. He didn't care I'm really good at the piano or I love and understand horses. Why can I look at Nick and love him when I didn't feel like that with Daddy? " Perhaps because he's your real father, Suzannah thought. But how and when am I going to tell you. She was convinced Adrienne Alleman would stick to her vindictive plan. She had asked Valerie to destroy the letter on sight. " It's very easy to love Nick, " was all Suzannah said. He rang that night, trembling a little when Suzannah told him of Adrienne's visit and what Adrienne planned to do. " She's determined to `spoil things', Nick. Her own words. " " I promise you she won't do that. " His tone was a mixture of anger and determination. " In any case, I told Martin's mother. " Suzannah held the phone tightly. " Good God! " His expelled breath shivered down the wires. " Couldn't you have rung me before you decided what to do, Suzannah? We should have discussed this, the far-reaching consequences, the difficulties for Charlotte let alone anyone else. " " Valerie knew, " she told him quietly. " She said she had always felt it but her love for Charley remains unchanged. " Nick didn't answer for a moment. " She must be a good woman. " " She is, " Suzannah sighed. " Her reaction took a terrible weight from my shoulders. " " You've had a very upsetting day. " His voice was inflected with a deep understanding. " Telling Valerie was the hard part, " she said. " I rather enjoyed telling Mrs. Alleman to get the hell off the property. I thought it was still mine. " " How badly do you want it? " he asked, sounding strange. " What does that mean, Nick? " She grappled to understand it. " Work it out, " he replied. " Love for a house can be more durable than love for a man. " " is this a riddle? " She had an uncertain, lost sensation. " I used to think not, now I'm not so sure. Bellemont is very important to you. " " So are you, Nick, " she hastened to add. She desperately wished to see his face. Feel his arms around her again. Silence persisted for a moment, then he said, " I'm no good at coming second, Suzannah. I want all of you. Only fair when I've channelled all my passion into you. " " So how long was it going to be before you married Adrienne Alleman? " she found herself asking. There was another pause, then his voice became deep and ironic. " I was never going to marry her, Suzannah. With Adrienne marriage wasn't on the agenda. She knew that. " " Then what is the source of her intense jealousy? " she challenged. " Her own nature, I suppose. Jealousy is as primal as the sea. Adrienne and I had an arrangement. I thought she was handling it well. Obviously I was wrong. She read far more into it than was ever said. " " That's all it is? " she asked with more scepticism than she intended. " You're the only woman I've ever wanted to marry, Suzannah, " he returned bluntly. " The woman I am going to marry, " he added. " I hope you understand that perfectly. As to the other, don't say anything more about the situation until we've had a chance to discuss it thoroughly. You can safely leave Adrienne to me. I'm fairly certain I can make her see the error of her ways. " " I hope this doesn't involve getting into bed with her? " Though she kept her tone light it was like an oil slick over deep water. His answer came instantly, intensely. " Making love to you precludes the possibility of ever turning to another woman. Can you doubt it after our night together? " Her whole body flushed with the memory. The crest after crest of arousal, the energy, the mystery, the passion, the illusion that they were one human being. " The world is only real to me when you're in it, Suzannah, " he said. She closed her eyes as his words poured like a symphony into her body. " Charley loved you on sight, " she said dreamily. " There was something quite extraordinary about it. " " Why not? Children perceive things in a way almost lost to us adults. I am her father. There's going to be pain attached to making that fact known but we'll all live through it and hopefully become stronger. I promise you I'll be with you both Friday evening. I won't let anything get in my way. "