BINGO for Recognizing and Pronouncing Numbers ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 6 из 6 This game is excellent speaking and listening practice and the students have fun. Students should have been introduced to numbers from 1-20 and multiples of 10 up to 90. Students should have received instruction on how to tell the difference between similar-sounding numbers such as 13 and 30: The syllables of the numbers 13-19 receive equal stress unless they’re at the end of a sentence, where the last syllable is stressed. Multiples of 10 (20-90) are pronounced with stress on the first syllable. Preparation: This document has a blank BINGO sheet and 24 numbered “tiles”. Print out one set of tiles (and perhaps a spare set in case tiles get lost or damaged). Print out a stack of blank bingo cards (at least 1 for each student). Cut out the 24 tiles and put them into a bag. To cover the squares on their boards, I give each student half a pad of small (1. 5 x 2”) self-stick notes. Instructions for play: Hand out blank BINGO sheets. Have students write B I N G O across the top. Draw out one number at a time and dictate to the class. (You are modeling pronunciation of each number. ) Ss write the number they hear on their bingo cards wherever they want to. When all numbers have been called, the cards should be filled. Have pairs check each other’s cards for duplicates. This may indicate that someone misheard a number. Return all of the tiles to the bag. Now draw out one tile at a time and call. Ss cover the number if they have it. When someone has BINGO, other Ss can verify by comparing to the drawn “tiles”. The winner should draw and call the tiles for the next game. Continue playing until all students have had a chance to call. This is the most important part of the game, as students will have to make it clear whether they’re calling 13 or 30! If you have many students, you may want to get two games going. For variety, let students swap cards or play 4 corners. You can also practice the sound of unvoiced “th”: make a table of 24 numbers that heavily features the use of “three” and “thousand”. Or play this game with ordinal numbers (13th and 30th).