Discussion. Third Session. Discussion. Organizing Committee ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 5 из 5 Discussion Third Session 15. 15- 16. 45 Dr. Grzegorz Maś loch, SGH Warsaw School of Economics, Prof. Krzysztof Ż mijewski Association for Energy Efficiency –Energy Cooperatives as an instrument towards the energy transition in Poland - social, economic and organizational conditions. Dr. Aleksandra Ł akomiak, Wroclaw University of Economics and Business – Civic energy in an orchard farm - prosumer and energy cooperative - a new approach to electricity generation. PhD Student Tomasz Marzec, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poland –Legal determinants of energy cooperatives' development in Poland. Discussion
Organizing Committee Prof. Dr. Aneta Suchoń - Department of Agricultural, Food and Environmental Protection Law, - (Chair of the Organizing Committee) Dr. Justyna Goź dziewicz – Biechoń ska- Department of Agricultural, Food and Environmental Protection Law Dr. Piotr Lissoń -Department of Public Economic Law Tomasz Marzec, PhD Candidate- Department of Agricultural, Food and Environmental Protection Law (Vice Chairman of the Organizing Committee)