


Случайная статья

Legal and Economic Perspectives of Energy Cooperatives’ Development in Poland and other countries


Faculty of Law and Administration Department of Agricultural, Food and Environmental Protection Law
tomasz. marzec@amu. edu. pl Department of Agricultural, Food and Environmental Protection Law ul. Ś wię ty Marcin 90, Collegium Iuridicum, 61-809 Poznań
https: //law. amu. edu. pl/

International Conference

" Legal and Economic Perspectives of Energy Cooperatives’ Development in Poland and other countries"

27th May 2021

Online event – live stream on Youtube: Adam Mickiewicz University Channel

Preliminary Program

Conference program

Opening of the Conference

10. 00 - 10. 30

Prof. dr hab. Bogumił a Kaniewska, Rector of Adam Mickiewicz University

Prof. Dr. Tomasz Nieborak, Dean of the Faculty of Law and Administration
Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań

Dirk Vansintjan, President of European Federation of citizen energy cooperatives, Brussels,

Prof. Henry Hagen, University of Helsinki (Finland), Chairman of the International Cooperative Alliance Co-operative Law Committee,

Dr. Andreas Wieg, DGRV, Head of the German Office for Energy Cooperatives, Member of the Cooperative Institute at Philipps-University Marburg Prof. Dr. Roman Budzinowski, President of the Polish Association of Agrarian Lawyers; Chief of Department of Agricultural, Food and Environmental Law, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań


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