First Session. Discussion. Second SessionFirst Session 10. 30 – 12. 00 Prof. Dr. Aneta Suchoń, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poland – Legal, economic and environmental aspects of functioning of energy cooperatives - introductory consideration. Prof. Dr. Thomas Schomerus, Leuphana Universitä t Lü neburg – Renewable Energy Requirements in the Building Sector - advantage for energy cooperatives? Prof. Dr. Tomasz Dł ugosz, Jagiellonian University - Creating a regulatory framework for energy communities in Poland - some legal challenges? Sara Tachelet, Communications Manager, REScoop. eu – Energy Democracy: European citizens taking ownership of the energy transition. Discussion Second Session 12. 10- 15. 00 Dr. Andreas Wieg, DGRV – Head of the German Office for Energy Cooperatives– The role of energy cooperatives in the German energy transition. Prof. Dr. Chiara Candelise, Imperial College London – Status and evolution of the community energy sector in Italy. Dr. Lars Holstenkamp, Leuphana Universitä t Lü neburg – The cooperative model in Germany's energy sector - remarks on its evolution, diffusion and success criteria. Dr. Martin Lowery, U. S. representative to the board of the International Co-operative Alliance - The historic success and future of electric cooperatives in the United States. Dr. Ifigeneia Douvitsa, Hellenic Open University – The legal framework of energy cooperatives in Greece. Prof. Antonios Maniatis, University of Patras - Energy ECO-OP icon Loureiro Igor de Matos - Lawyer and Legal Adviser in Cooperativa de Trabalho dos Profissionais Liberais da Bahia - Brazil, Energy cooperatives in Brazil