REASONS OF THE HWID BINDING ERROR (HWID doesn’t match) ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 4 из 4
If you get a HWID error when you start PX, it means that: a) You have reinstalled Windows. b) You have changed hardware in your PC (especially HDD or SSD). c) You have several data storages on your PC, you have installed both versions of the game (SC and Steam versions), and they are placed on different data storages. d) You have several data storages on your PC, and you have reinstalled the game from one data storage to another. e) You have memory optimizers and cleaners installed on your PC. For example: CCleaner, Advanced System Care, etc. In rare cases memory optimizers and cleaners could be integrated to antivirus. Usually 360 Total Security and Norton developers do that. Anyway, we don’t recommend you to refuse from any antivirus. These days it is really necessary to have it. If you have 360 Total Security or Norton, you may just to install something other. For example, Kaspersky (Free), Malwarebytes, etc. f) You have emulator installed on your PC. In rare cases they could interrupt HWID binding. g) Someone is using your data. How to know about it: when you try to reset HWID and get refusal, look at notification with date of last HWID binding. If they match with your last HWID binding, you should handle with your PC.
★ Don’t forget to check “HWID binding features” guide.