Chapter 66
SHREE SHOOKDEO JEE said, --O great king! on one occasion, Shree Krishnù Chund, the root of joy, and Bulram, the abode of happiness, were sitting in a jewelled house, when Buldeo Jee said to Krishnù, " Brother! when Kuns sent to invite us from Brindabun, and we went off to Muttra, then you and I promised the cowherdesses, and Nund and Jusodha, that we would return quickly, we have not gone there, but taken up our abode at Dwarka; they will be thinking of us. With your permission I will go and see the place of our birth, and will offer them consolation. " Krishnù gave his consent; and upon this, Bulram took leave of them all, carrying a ploughshare and pestle; and mounting his chariot, started off. O great king! the Rajas of all the cities, towns and villages, Bulram Jee passed through, came out to welcome him, and escorted him with the greatest politeness; and he offered consolation to each of them. After some days' journey, Bulram Jee arrived at the city of Awuntika; he paid his respects to the spiritual preceptor, who had instructed him in knowledge, and stayed about ten days with him. On taking leave of his preceptor, Buldeo Jee went on to Gokool, and beheld the cows every where in the jungle with their mouths open, not having eaten any grass, thinking of Shree Krishnù Chund, their minds wrapt up in the tones of his lute, wandering about lowing and panting; and behind them the cowherds' children singing Huri's praises, and imbued with affection for him, were going along; and on all sides the inhabitants of the city were commending Krishnù 's exploits and sports. Seeing this condition of the inhabitants and of the cows, on arrival at his birth-place, Bulram took compassion upon them, and his eyes filled with tears; all the cowherds' children came running out, when they saw the flag and banner on the chariot, supposing that Shree Krishnù Chund and Bulram had come. Bulram descended from his ruth at their approach, and embraced and began to make the kindest enquiries from each of them; in the mean while, some one told Nund and Jusodha, " That Buldeo had arrived. " On hearing the news, Nund and Jusodha, and the cowherds rose and rushed out. Bulram, when he saw them from a distance coming towards him, ran and threw himself at the feet of Nund Rae; then Nund Jee shedding tears of joy, raised Bulram, and embraced him with the utmost affection, and forgot all the pains of separation; Bulram then went and laid hold of Jusodha's feet, who fondly clasped him to her bosom, she embraced and clung 'to his neck, tears streaming from her eyes. Having recited thus much of the history, Shree Shookdeo Jee said to the Raja, --O great king! after this interview, Nund Rae Jee took Bulram into the house, and began to make kind enquiries, asking " If Oogursen and Basoodeo, and the Judoos, and Shree Krishnù Chund, the root of joy, were all well. Do they ever think of us? " Bulram said, " Through your favour, they are all well and happy, and constantly sing of your good qualities. " Nund Rae was silent when he heard this; then the Ranee Jusodha, tears filling her eyes as she thought of Krishnù, said with great emotion, " Buldeo Jee! is Shree Krishnù, the star of my eyes, well? " Bulram replied, " That he was quite well. " Jusodha then began to say, " Buldeo! since Huri went hence, there has been a darkness before my eyes; and I think of him constantly, day and night, (during the eight puhurs)--and he has entirely forgotten me, and gone and taken up his abode at Dwarka; and behold, my sisters, Dewukee and Rohnee, have also relinquished all affection for me, consider Gokool as near Muttra; you have thought hitherto that we lived at a distance, Huri would come to see us and pay us visit; but they, (that is, Rohnee and Dewukee) have arranged that he shall not have another interview with us. " O great king! when having thus spoken, Jusodha was in a state of the greatest agitation, and began to weep, Bulram Jee entered into explanations with her, and made her understand how matters really stood; and inspired her with confidence; afterwards when he had taken refreshment, and eaten pawn, and came out of the house, he saw that all the women of Bruj were emaciated and desponding with dishevelled hair, a dirty appearance, depressed in spirits, neglecting their domestic affairs, deeply in love, in the highest excitement of youthful desire, singing the good qualities of Huri, restless at his absence, and going about in every direction like drunken persons. O great king! on seeing Bulram, they came running to him with the greatest delight; and making obeisance, surrounded him on all sides; and with joined hands, began to question him, and say, " Tell us, O Bulram! the abode of happiness, where does our soul, the lovely Krishnù, now dwell? Does Beharee ever think of us, or has he forgotten all his former love, since he obtained a throne? Since he went hence, he has once sent us a message through Oodho to perform penance; and has taken no further thought of any one; " and as he has now gone to take up his abode in the sea, why should he make enquiries about any of us? " On hearing these words, one of the cowherdesses said, " Friend! who would regret the love of Huri, after seeing the manner he has treated us all? He is not beloved by any one, he who has turned his back upon his father and mother; he does not remain an hour without Radha, and it is she, who has made him stay away; again what have you and I gained by leaving our homes, sacrificing all respect for our families, and for the world, abandoning our sons and husbands, and fixing our affections upon Huri; having embarked us on the boat of love, he has altogether left us in the midst of the sea of separation; and we hear, that Krishnù has now gone to Dwarka, and contracted many marriages; and that he has also married sixteen thousand one hundred and eight Rajas' daughters, whom Bhomasoor had kept confined. They have had sons and grandsons, why should he leave them and come here? " Another cowherdess said, " Friend! do not regret in any way on account of the reports about Huri, because Oodho Jee came and mentioned all his good qualities. " She again said, " Friends! act now according to my suggestion--let us, having been allowed to touch the feet of Bulram, continue to sing in praise of his good qualities. He is fair, and not of black-coloured body, he will not practise deceit. " Bulram said in reply, " I have made this journey for your sakes. I have come here to tell you; and for this purpose Krishnù sent me to Bruj; I will stay two months with you, and dance the circular dance, and fulfil all your, expectations. " O great king! Bulram Jee, having thus spoken, gave a command to the women of Bruj, " As this is the night of the full moon of Chuetrù, adorn yourselves, and go into the forest; and I will engage in festive songs and dance with you. " Having thus said, Bulram Jee went in the evening to the forest, and all the women of Bruj followed him, wearing elegant dresses, and ornaments? and adorned from head to foot, came to Buldeo, they all remained bending their heads. The beauty of Buldeo cannot be described; of the colour of gold, he was dressed in a blue dress; his moon like countenance and lotus eyes captivated all hearts; a ear-ring shone with lustrous beauty in one of his ears; as though the sun and moon dwelt together; the other ear had drank of the flavour of the celebrity of Huri; and he did not fasten an ear-ring in it. Jewels in profusion were fastened on all parts of his body, the splendour of which baffles description. The women fell at his feet, saying, " Engage in sports and delightful festive songs and dances with us. " O great king! on hearing this request, Bulram Jee made the mystical sound of " hoon, " on uttering which, all the materials, necessary for the festival were immediately produced. The cowherdesses then abandoning all care and modesty, giving themselves up to the passion of love, began to sing and play upon lutes, drums, cymbals, pipes and other musical instruments of all kinds, and gratify Bulram by their merrymaking and dancing, and blandishments. On hearing them play and sing, and seeing them dance, Buldeo Jee was delighted; and, having drank some spirituous liquor, began to sing and dance, and engage in every kind of sport, and enjoy mutual pleasure; at that time the gods, celestial musicians and choristers, and the demi-gods, accompanied by their wives, and sitting in chariots, singing the praises of Bulram, rained flowers from the sky. The moon and the assembly of the stars, beholding the happiness of the festive assembly, poured down nectar from their rays, the air became still, and the course of water was stopped. Having recited thus much of the history, Shree Shookdeo Jee said, --O great king! in this manner Bulram Jee engaged at night in festive songs and dances with the women of Bruj, during the months of Chuetrù and Bysakh, and in the day-time made Nund and Jusodha happy by relating the history of Huri. One night, whilst engaging in festivities, Bulram Jee having gone and reposed on the banks of the river, said angrily, " Jumna! flow thou here, and forming a thousand streams, bathe me with thy waters; if thou obeyest not my command, thy waters shall be divided into several portions. " When, O great king, the Jumna through pride would not attend to what Bulram Jee said, he drew her towards him with his plough and bathed, and from that day the Jumna has been bent at that spot. Having bathed and got rid of all his fatigue, Bulram Jee made all the cowherdesses happy; and, taking them with him, went from the forest to the city; there the cowherdesses said, " O lord of the Judoos, take us hence with you. " Having heard this request, Bulram Jee encouraged the hopes of the cowherdesses; and, having inspired them with confidence, allowed them to take leave, and went himself to take leave of Nund and Jusodha. He then explained to them and gave them comfort also; and after a stay of some days took leave, and set off for Dwarka, where he soon arrived.