Chapter 69
SHREE SHOOKDEO JEE said, --Raja! I will now relate to you the history of the marriage of Luchmuna, the daughter of Doorjodhun, how Sumboo went to Hastinapoor, and married her. O great king! when the Raja Doorjodhun's daughter, Luchmuna, was marriageable, her father sent letters of invitation to Rajas of different countries, and appointed a day for the bride to select her own husband; having received intelligence of the day that had been appointed, Shree Krishnù Chund's son, by Jamwutee, named Sumboo, came also to witness the ceremony. On arriving there he beheld Rajas of all countries powerful, possessed of excellent qualities, the receptacles of beauty, very intelligent, wearing elegant dresses and jewelled ornaments, armed and silent, standing in rows in the midst of the assemblage, and the Kouruvus were standing in like manner behind them; musical instruments resounded here and there outside; and inside musicians and singers were engaged in festivities; in the centre of all the Raja's daughter, the beloved of her mother and father, was moving about like a pupil of the eye, with a garland in her hand, and saying to herself, " Whom shall I marry? " O great king! when that sweet dispositioned girl, the abode of beauty, carrying a garland, and blushing, came, in the course of her circling, opposite Sumboo, she laid aside all reserve and bashfulness; and seizing him fearlessly by the hand, and seating him in her chariot, proceeded homewards. All the Rajas looked on in silent surprise, and Kurun, Dron, Sulup, Bhoorisurwa, Doorjodhun and the other Kouruvù s did not at that time say a word; afterwards, being very angry, they began to say to each other, " See what he has done, spoiling all our pleasure, and making a happy occasion disagreeable! " Kurun said, " It is the constant practice of the descendants of Judoo to do acts of violence on occasions of pleasure, and rejoicing. " Suti said, " They are men of low caste, who have lately been exalted; since they obtained sovereignty, they have become insolent and domineering. " On hearing these words, all the Kouruvù s in great wrath, and seizing their arms, rushed forth, saying, " Let us see what mighty man will take way the girl from before us, " and they went and surrounded Sumboo on the road. Warlike weapons were brought into play on both sides, when at length the battle had lasted some time, and Sumboo's charioteer had been killed, and he himself had descended from his chariot, they surrounded and carried him away bound, making him stand up in the middle of the. assembly, they enquired, " Where is thy mighty power now gone? " He was ashamed at hearing this; at this time, Narud Jee having come, said to Doorjodhun and all the Kouruvù s, " This is Shree Krishnù 's son, by name Sumboo; do not say any thing to him, whatever was to happen, has happened, Shree Krishnù and Bulram will come here with an army, prepared for battle, immediately they receive intelligence of him, whatever you have to say to him or hear from him, say and hear it; it is not at all becoming to taunt a child, whatever act his boyish understanding may have done. " O great king! having thus spoken, Narud Jee took leave and proceeded to the city of Dwarka, and went and stood in the court of the Raja Oogursen; they all rose at seeing him and bowed their heads, and instantly brought a seat for him. Narud Jee when seated said, " O great king! the Kouruvù s have bound Sumboo, and have inflicted, and are still inflicting, great pain upon him. If you wish to take thought of him, do so now; otherwise it will be difficult for Sumboo to escape. The Kouruvù s have become very proud, and have shown no respect or consideration for you, they have bound the child in a manner that any one would bind an enemy. " Raja Oogursen was very angry at hearing this, and having summoned the descendants of Judoo, said to them, Take all my army and advance against Hustinapoor, and having killed the Kouruvù s, release and bring Sumboo here. " When the army was ready to set out on receiving the Raja's order, Bulram Jee went to explain to the Raja Oogursen, and said, " O great king! do not send an army against them; with your permission, I will go and complain to them and will have Sumboo released, and will bring him away with me; I will see why they have bound him; unless I go, the reason of this act will not appear. " Upon this the Raja Oogursen gave Bulram Jee permission to go to Hustinapoor; and Buldeo Jee went from Dwarka, accompanied by several great pundits, brahmins and by Narud, the sage, and arrived at Hustinapoor. Bulram on his arrival, having encamped on a piece of enclosed ground, said to Narud Jee, " O great king! we have encamped here; please go and inform the Kouruvù s of my arrival. " On receiving this order, Narud Jee went to the city and gave information of Bulram's arrival; having heard this news they all prepared to go out and meet him. Bheekum, Kurun and Dron went together, taking handsome cloth dresses as presents. Doorjodhun went hastily forth, saying, " My spiritual preceptor, Sunburkhun, has come. " Having recited thus much of the history, Shree Shookdeo Jee said to the Raja, --O great king! all the Kouruvù s went to the enclosure where Bulram was encamped to visit him, and offered him presents; and, having fallen at his feet, joining their hands, eulogized him highly; after this having applied perfume and sandal, and putting a garland of flowers upon him, and spreading silken cloths, they conducted him, in musical procession, to the city; they then entertained him with all kinds of delicacies; and, sitting near him, made various enquiries, " O great king! why have you come here? " Bulram Jee replied, " I have been sent by the Raja Oogursen to deliver a message to you. " The Kouruvù s said, " What message? " Buldeo Jee replied, " The Raja says, that it was not becoming in you to do an act of enmity towards him: you were many and he a single child; you fought with him, abandoning all understanding and discrimination; you intentionally committed a great injustice, and, relinquishing respect for the world, laid hold of Krishnù 's son; you have now become very proud, and have designedly afflicted him. " O great king! on hearing these words the Kouruvù s said, very angrily, " Enough! enough! Bulram Jee, do not exalt Oogursen any more, as we will not listen to you; it is scarcely four days, since no one knew or respected Oogursen; from the time he connected himself with us he has obtained high rank, and has now sent us a haughty message: is he not ashamed, considering that he obtained sovereign power sitting quietly at Dwarka, to forget entirely his former condition, and now to say whatever he pleases? Does he forget the day, when he used to associate and eat with cowherds and Goojurs at Muttra? We have now reaped the fruits of allowing him to eat with us, and forming an alliance with him, and procuring sovereign power for him. If we had done these good acts to a respectable man, he would have been thankful for them all his life; some one has said truly, 'That the friendship of a mean person is like a wall of sand. '" Having proceeded thus far in the narrative, Shree Shookdeo Jee said, --O great king! discoursing much in this strain, Kurun, Dron, Bheekum, Doorjodhun and all the Kuoruvù s rose haughtily and went to their homes. Bulram Jee laughing at what they had said, thought to himself, " They are proud of their royal power and strength, and, therefore speak in this strain; otherwise, would they treat with such disrespect that Oogursen, who is the lord of Bruhmù, Roodrù and Indrù, to whom the three bow their heads? As my name is Buldeo, I will drown all the Kouruvù s with their city in the Ganges. " O great king! having thus said, Buldeo Jee in great wrath laid hold of all the Kouruvù s and their city with his plough, and took them to a bank of the Ganges, and was on the point of drowning them, when all the Kouruvù s came in the greatest alarm and consternation, with joined hands, bowing their heads, and beseeching earnestly, began to say, in a submissive tone, " O great king! forgive our fault; we have come to you for protection, save us now, and we will do whatever you may order, and will be always obedient to the commands of Raja Oogursen. " When, O great king! they had thus spoken, the wrath of Bulram Jee was appeased, and he allowed the city to remain on the site, to which, with his plough, he had drawn it, on the banks of the Ganges. From that day Hustinapoor has been on the banks of the Ganges, formerly it was not there; he afterwards released Sumboo, and Raja Doorjodhun, having propitiated his uncle and nephews, and taken them to his house, prepared a festive entertainment, and gave his daughter in marriage to Sumboo according to the prescribed injunctions of the Vedas; and presented her with a very handsome dowry. Having recited thus much of the history, Shree Shookdeo Jee said, --O great king; thus did Bulram Jee go to Hustinapoor, lower the pride of the Kouruvù s, release his nephew and bring him home after his marriage. At that time there was joy in all the city of Dwarka; and Buldea Jee went and explained to the Raja Oogursen all the circumstances connected with Hustinapoor.