Chapter 62
SHREE SHOOKDEO JEE said, --O great king! having taken his sixteen thousand one hundred wives to Dwarka, Krishnù began to engage in joyful sports and diversions with them; and his eight queens attended constantly upon him day and night: rising continually early in the morning, some washed his face, some applied perfumed paste, and bathed his body; others served up, and fed him with all sorts of delicacies, some having made an image of their husband with cloves, mace, nutmegs and other spices gave it to Krishnù to eat, others arrayed him in elegant garments, and ornaments studded with jewels, which they selected and prepared; several of them gave him a garland of flowers to wear; and sprinkling rose-water, smeared his body with saffron, and sandal; some fanned him, and others rubbed his feet. O great king! all his queens thus constantly performed various acts of attendance on Krishnù, who made them completely happy. Having recited thus much of the history, Shree Shookdeo Jee said, O great king! after some years, each of the wives of the lord of the Judoos brought forth children; each having a daughter, equalling Luchmee, and ten dutiful sons. Thus the number of children amounted to a lakh and sixty-one thousand, all alike, and possessed of unbounded excellence of mind, strength and beauty, all of them of the colour of clouds, with countenances like the moon, lotus eyes, dressed in blue and yellow frocks, and wearing knotted strings, necklaces and amulets on their necks, pleased and gratified their parents by their childish sports and pastimes in each house: and their mothers brought them up with the most tender and affectionate care. O great king! on hearing of the birth of Shree Krishnù Chund's sons, Rookum said to his wife, " I will not now give my daughter Charoomutee to Kritbruma's son, to whom she has been betrothed, but will allow her to choose a husband for herself; send some one to invite my sister Rookmunee with her sons. " On hearing these words, Rookum's wife wrote a most pressing letter of invitation to her brother's sister and her sons, which she sent by the hand of a brahmin, and made preparations for the ceremony of her daughter selecting a husband for herself. On receipt of her brother's wife's invitation, Rookmunee having obtained the permission of Shree Krishnù Chund, took leave and starting from Dwarka with her son, arrived at her brother's house at Bhojkut. Rookum was highly delighted at seeing her, and respectfully bowed his head; falling at her feet, his wife said, " This is the first visit you have paid us, since you were carried off. " She again said to Rookmunee, " O sister-in-law! as you have come here, kindly take compassion upon us, and receive this our daughter, Charoomutee, for your son. " Rookmunee Jee replied, " You know your husband's disposition; do not give occasion for him to quarrel with any one, there is no understanding or depending on my brother; who knows what he may do, for this reason, both his words and actions excite apprehension. " Rookum said, " Fear not, sister! there shall be no violence, it is an injunction of the Vedas, to give a daughter in marriage to a sister's son in the Deccan country, for this reason, I will give my daughter, Charoomutee, to your son, Purdiyomun; and, abandoning my habit of enmity towards Shree Krishnù Jee, unite myself to him by a new bond of relationship. " O great king! having thus spoken, when Rookum, rising thence, went to the court, Purdiyomun having arrayed himself in full dress, went also, with his mother's permission, to the assembly that was collected on the occasion of Charoomutee selecting a husband for herself. He beheld Rajas of all countries standing there with the hope of marriage, splendidly dressed, and wearing a variety of jewels and ornaments. And the young girl was moving about in the middle of the crowd with a garland in her hand, and looking in every direction, but her glance did not rest upon any one. In the mean while, when Purdiyomun Jee entered the assembly, she was fascinated at beholding him, and came and threw the garland on his neck. All the Rajas beheld the act with regret, and remained standing there in a state of disappointment and pique; and began to say to themselves, " Let us see whether he will lead away this girl in our presence, we will carry her off on the road. " O great king! the Rajas thus continued discoursing to themselves; and Rookum, having taken the bride and bridegroom under the temporary building which had been erected for the occasion, and having made a solemn vow in the manner prescribed by the Vedas, gave away his daughter; and bestowed upon her a dowry of unbounded wealth and riches; when Shree Rookmunee Jee had celebrated her son's marriage, and taken leave of her brother and his wife, she mounted her chariot, taking with her, her son and daughter-in-law, and started for Dwarka. The Rajas then came in a body, and blocked up the road, with the view of fighting and forcibly carrying off Purdiyomun's bride. Observing their wicked design, Purdiyomun seized his arms, and prepared for battle. The battle lasted for some time between them; when at length Purdiyomun, having slain and routed them all, arrived joyfully and happily at Dwarka. On hearing of their arrival, all their relations, male and female, came outside the city, and observing the usual and prescribed ceremonies, and spreading silken cloths on the ground, conducted them in musical procession; there was rejoicing throughout the city, and they dwelt happily in the royal palace. Having narrated thus much of the history, Shree Shookdeo Jee said to the Raja Pureechit, --O great king! after some years, a son was born to Purdiyomun, the son of Shree Krishnù Chund, the root of joy. On that occasion, Shree Krishnù Jee sent for astrologers; and, having had seats placed for all his relations, gave a festive entertainment, and made preparations for giving a name to the child in the manner prescribed by the Shastrus. The astrologers, consulting their almanacs, and having fixed upon the year, month, half-month, solar and lunar day, the hour, the rising of the sign and the twenty-seventh division of the zodiack, gave the child the name of Unroodrù. On that occasion, when Purdiyomun had a son, Krishnù was so overjoyed, that his body could not contain him; and he could not be surfeited with giving presents and gifts to the brahmins. O great king! having received intelligence of the birth of Krishnù 's grandson, Rookum wrote a letter to his sister and her husband in terms of great affection, proposing a marriage between the grandson and his grand-daughter, and mentioning that the match would afford him great delight. And afterwards, he sent for a brahmin; and, giving him a red mixture for the forehead, unbroken rice, a rupee and a cocoanut explained to him and said, " Go to Dwarka, and making many supplications, in my name, give the nuptial presents to Unroodrù, Krishnù 's grandson, and my daughter's son. " On receiving this order the brahmin, taking with him the nuptial gifts and presents, proceeded on his journey, and arrived at Shree Krishnù Chund's house at Dwarka. On seeing him, Krishnù, treating him with the greatest respect and honour, enquired, " What, O divinity! is the occasion of your coming here? " The brahmin replied, " O great king! I have been sent by Raja Bheekmuk's son, Rookum; and have brought the nuptial gifts and presents for an alliance between his grand-daughter, and your grandson. " On hearing this message, Shree Krishnù Jee sent for ten of his relations; and, having received the nuptial presents, and given many gifts to the brahmin, allowed him to take leave; and went to his brother, Bulram, to make arrangements for the journey. Afterwards, the two brothers started thence, and went to the Raja Bheekmuk; and, having informed him of what had been proposed, took leave. Having come forth, they began to make all necessary arrangements, and collect all things necessary for the marriage procession; when, after some days, these arrangements were completed, and every thing was ready, Krishnù went in great pomp and splendour, with the marriage procession, from Dwarka to the city of Bhojkut. At that time, Shree Rookmunee Jee sat upon a glittering ruth with her son and grandson, and Shree Krishnù and Bulram were seated upon another ruth. At length after some days Krishnù arrived at Dwarka with them all. O great king! on arrival of the marriage procession, Rookum, together with the Rajas of Kuling and other countries, went outside the city to meet it; and having invested all composing the procession in honorary dresses, and receiving them with the utmost respect and honour, escorted them to the appointed place of reception at the bride's house; afterwards, having entertained them, he had them conducted to a hall erected for the occasion adorned with flowers, and he gave away the virgin in the manner prescribed by the Vedas; and he bestowed upon her so rich a marriage portion, that an account of it is impossible. Having proceeded thus far in the narrative, Shree Shookdeo Jee said, --O great king! when the marriage ceremonies had been performed, Raja Bheekmuk went to the place of reception at the bride's house, and, joining his hands and using much entreaty, whispered to Shree Krishnù Chund, and said, " O great king! the marriage has been completed, and everything has gone on well; be pleased to make arrangements for a speedy departure, because his relations, the Rajas whom Rookum has invited, are all wicked and violent men. Do not let there be any quarrelling. I, therefore, have taken an opportunity of speaking to you, Moorari. " When he had thus spoken, and went away, Rookum came near Shree Rookmunee, and then Rookmunee exclaimed, " How shall we be able to return home? Your guests, the Rajas, are hostile, who are united with you; if you mean well, brother, arrange so that we may quickly reach home, otherwise you will see a pleasant state of affairs, succeeded by an unpleasant one. " Rookum replied, " Sister! be not at all anxious, I will first of all allow the different Rajas, who have come as my guests, to take leave, and will afterwards do as you wish. " With these words Rookum went thence to his royal guests; they all coming in a body, began to say, " Rookum! you have given so much wealth to Krishnù and Buldeo; and they through pride have not acted at all well, this is one subject of regret to us; and we are grieved on another account, which is, that Bulram brought dishonour upon you. " O great king! Rookum was angry at this speech, when the Raja of Kuling, said, " I have something to say, which, with your permission, I will mention. " Rookum replied, " Mention it. " The Rajas said, " We have no concern with Shree Krishnù, but send for Bulram; and we will play at choupur with him, and win all his money: and great as his pride is, we will send him away hence empty-handed. " When Kuling had thus spoken, Rookum, after reflecting for a short time, went to Bulram Jee, and said, " O great king! all the Rajas send their compliments, and have invited you to play at choupur. " On hearing this, Bulbhuddrù went to accept the challenge; the Rajas rose, and bowed their heads on his coming. The Rajas then said with the greatest politeness to Raja Bulram, " You have had great practice at the game of choupur, we, therefore, wish to play with you. " With these words, they brought out and spread a cloth for playing at choupur; and Rookum and Bulram began playing; at first Rookum won ten times, and then said to Buldeo Jee, " You have lost all your money; what will you stake now? " The Raja of Kuling applauded this speech, and laughed. Observing this, Buldeo Jee bent his head, and became thoughtful; Rookum then staked ten crores of rupees at once, which when Bulram had won and taken up, they all began to wrangle and said, " Rookum's dice has fallen, (that is, he has won, ) why are you collecting the money? " Bulram returned the whole sum on hearing this, and staking a hundred millions took up the dice. Bulram won again, and Rookum lost; the Rajas, cheated a second time, and said, " That Rookum had won, " and thus exclaimed, " What do you know about gambling and dice, you mean villager! Rajas understand war and play, cowherds only understand about cows. " On hearing this speech, the anger of Buldeo Jee was excited in the same manner, that the waves of the sea are swollen at the full moon. Bulram, however, reasoning within himself, contrived to stifle his wrath; and making another stake of seven millions, played again; again Buldeo won, and then again the Rajas falsely declared " That Rookum had gained the game. " When they had thus cheated, there was a voice from heaven, " Huldhur won and Rookum lost; O Rajas! why have you spoken falsely? " O great king! when Rookum and the other Rajas having heard the voice from heaven, pretended not to hear it, Buldeo Jee was exceedingly angry, and said, " Although you have allied yourself with me by marriage, you have again quarrelled with me; O unjust and dishonest man! I will now put you to death, whatever opinion my brother's wife may form of the deed. I will not now listen to any one on this subject, but will to-day deprive you of life, you deceitful wretch. " Having narrated thus much of the history, Shree Shookdeo Jee said to the Raja Pureechit, O king! after some delay, Bulram killed Rookum in the sight of all present: and having thrown Kuling down, knocked out all his teeth with blows, and said to him, " You also showed your teeth and laughed. " After this, having slain and put to flight all the Rajas, Bulram came to the place of reception at the bride's house, and mentioned all that had occurred to Shree Krishnù Chund. On hearing the account, Huri departed thence with all his party, and had a safe and pleasant journey to Dwarka; joy was diffused throughout the city on his arrival, and there were festivities in every house. Shree Krishnù Jee and Buldeo Jee went into the presence of Raja Oogursen, and said, " O great king! through your excellence and glory, we have celebrated Unroodrù 's marriage, and have destroyed the very wicked Rookum. "