Chapter 58
SHREE SHOOKDEO JEE said, --O great king! I will now describe how Sutdhunwa killed Suttrajeet, and, taking away the jewel, and giving it to Akroor, fled from Dwarka, listen with attention. The son of the blind Dritrasht (Doorjodhun) invited the Pandoos, and gave them beds in his house; at midnight, he surrounded the house with flames. On hearing of this circumstance, the two brothers were greatly grieved and perplexed; and ordered the charioteer, Daruk, to bring their chariot, mounting which, they went to Hustinapoor, and descending entered the court of the Roroos, and there beheld them all sitting, emaciated and low-spirited; Doorjodhun was thoughtful; Bheekmuk was shedding tears; Dritrasht was in great affliction, and tears were even falling from the eyes of Dronacharuj; Bidooruth Jee was greatly dispirited, and Gundharee was sitting near him. And the other wives of the Roroos, thinking of the Pandoos, continued to weep and the whole court was sad. O great king! seeing this state of affairs, Shree Krishnù and Bulram Jee went and sat near them, and made enquiries regarding the Pandoos: but all remained silent, and would not divulge any thing. Having narrated thus much of the history, Shree Shookdeo Jee said to the Raja Pureechit, --O great king! Shree Krishnù and Bulram Jee, having heard of the burning of the Pandoos went to Hustinapoor; and there was in Dwarka a member of the family of Judoo, named Sutdhunwa, to whom Sutbhama had been first betrothed. Akroor and Krutbruma went together to him and both said to him, " Shree Krishnù and Bulram have gone to Hustinapoor; now is your opportunity, take your revenge upon Suttrajeet; because he has acted very wrongly towards you, in having given a girl, who was betrothed to you, to Shree Krishnù; and, in having abused you; there is no one here now to assist him. " On hearing these words, Sutdhunwa rose in great wrath; and, having gone in the night to the house of Suttrajeet, called out; and at length, having by stratagem and force, put him to death, carried away the jewel. After this Sutdhunwa, sitting alone in his house, began to reflect, and to say to himself with regret, " By listening to Akroor's counsel, I have made an enemy of Krishnù; Krutbruma and Akroor both came here, and advised me. If a good man speaks deceitfully, what control can any one have over him? " O great king! whilst Sutdhunwa, thus regretting, repeatedly exclaimed, " No one has power over the future; the events of fate are not known by any one; " the wife of Suttrajeet, on beholding her husband lying dead, embraced his corpse, and wept and poured forth lamentations. On hearing her cries, all her relations, male and female, speaking in a very confused, disjointed manner, began to shed tears and strike their bodies; and there was mourning in the whole house. Having heard of the death of her father Sutbhama came to where her father was lying; and having offered them all advice and consolation, and washed her father's corpse in oil, sent for her chariot, and ascending it, went off to Shree Krishnù Chund, the root of joy, and arrived after a journey of a day and night. Huri rose on seeing her, and enquired, whether all was well at home. Sutbhama replied, joining her hands, " How can things go on well without you, O lord of the Judoos! Sutdhunwa has brought calamity on me, by killing my father, and carrying off the jewel; your father-in-law's corpse is preserved in oil. Remove all my griefs. " Having thus spoken, Sutbhama Jee stood before Shree Krishnù and Buldeo Jee, and exclaiming " Alas, father! alas, father! " began to weep, and groan bitterly. On hearing her cries, Shree Krishnù and Bulram were at first very sad; and began, after the manner of the world, to shed tears. Afterwards, having consoled and comforted Sutbhama, they brought her thence with them to Dwarka. Shree Shookdeo Jee said, O great king! on coming to Dwarka, Shree Krishnù Chund, perceiving that Sutbhama was very much grieved, made her a promise, and said, " O beautiful Sutbhama! be of good cheer, and banish all anxiety, what was to happen, has happened; but I will now destroy Sutdhunwa, and revenge your father's death, and afterwards perform other acts. " On the arrival of Shree Krishnù, Sutdhunwa was greatly terrified; and, abandoning his home, said to himself, " At the suggestion of others, I have made Shree Krishnù Jee my enemy, whose protection shall I now seek? " He went to Krutbruma; and, joining his hands, said with many supplications, " O great king! I have acted by your advice, and Shree Krishnù and Bulram are now enraged against me, I have, therefore, fled and come to seek an asylum with you, appoint me some place to reside in. " Krutbruma replied, " I can do nothing for you; whoever is at enmity with Shree Krishnù Chund, is cut off from the rest of mankind. Did you not know, that Krishnù is very powerful; and that you would be a loser by being at enmity with him? What does it signify, who advised you; why did you not act, with reference to your own strength? It is customary in the world to contract enmities, marriages and friendships with equals. Banish all hope of my being able to do any thing for you, as I am a servant of Shree Krishnù Chund, the root of joy, it does not become me to show enmity to him; go somewhere else for protection. " Sudhunwa, O great king! was very sad at these words, and went thence to Akroor, joining his hands bowing his head, supplicating, and expressing great sorrow and regret, he began to say, " Lord! you are the greatest chief among the Judoos; all of them respect and bow their heads to you; you are holy, merciful and resolute; and submitting to afflictions yourself, remove the griefs of others. The shame of having advised me rests with you; grant me your protection, I have done this deed at your suggestion, save me now from the hands of Shree Krishnù. " Akroor Jee replied, " You are a great fool, in talking thus to me; do you not know that Shree Krishnù Chund is the creator of all men and the dispeller of griefs? How can anyone remain in the world, who is at enmity with him? What evil can befal the adviser? The whole affair is now upon your head. There is a saying, 'That it is the custom of gods, men and sages to form friendships for the furtherance of their own selfish objects. ' And there are many kinds of men in the world, who for the sake of their own interests, advise after various fashions; it is, therefore, advisable for a man not to act according to the opinions of others; but in every affair of life to consider first, what may benefit, and what may do him harm, and then enter upon it. You have premeditatedly done this act; and now there is not any refuge for you in the world. Whoever has shown enmity to Krishnù cannot live; to whatever quarter he may fly, he will be destroyed, I do not wish to die, that I should render you assistance. Life is dear to all men. " O great king! when Akroor Jee had made this unpalatable speech to Sutdhunwa, he, being devoid of all hope, and giving up all thoughts of life, left the jewel with Akroor; and mounting a chariot, fled from the city. Spree Krishnù and Bulram pursued him in a chariot; and overtook him after a pursuit of four hundred coss. On hearing the sound, of their chariot Sutdhunwa was in great alarm; and descending from his chariot, entered the city of Mithila. On seeing him, Krishnù was enraged, and ordered the quoit, Soodursun, to cut off his head, which he did forthwith: and Shree Krishnù Chund went up to him and searched for the jewel; but without success. He then said to Buldeo Jee, " Brother! I have killed Sutdhunwa, and not obtained the jewel. " Bulram replied, " Brother! some great man must have obtained possession of it, who has not brought it and shown it to us. That jewel cannot possibly be concealed; wait a little, and it will turn up somewhere. " Buldeo Jee proceeded to say, " Brother! set out now for Dwarka, and I will go and search for the jewel; which I will bring with me, wherever I may find it. " Having proceeded thus far in the narrative, Shree Shookdeo Jee said to the Raja Pureechit, --O great king! Shree Krishnù Chund, the root of joy, having killed Sutdhunwa, started for Dwarka; and Bulram, the abode of happiness, set out to search for the jewel. After having searched in various countries, cities and villages, Buldeo Jee went to the city of Ajoodiya. On receiving intelligence of his arrival, Doorjodhun, the Raja of Ajoodiya rose up, and having advanced with presents to meet him, escorted Bulram with music playing, and in silken clothes to his own palace. Having seated him on a throne, and gone through various forms of adoration, he entertained him: and standing in his presence, said, with joined hands and bended head and great humility of manner, " O sea of compassion! please inform me, how you came here? " O great king! Buldeo Jee, observing his affection, was delighted, and explained all the particulars of his journey. After hearing the account, Raja Doorjodhun said, " Lord! no one will be able to keep that jewel concealed: it will be manifested of itself at some time or other. " He again said, with joined hands, " O kind to the poor! great is my good fortune in having obtained a sight of you at my own home, and having thereby obliterated the sins of every preceding birth. Do me the kindness now to gratify your servant's desire; and, remaining here some days, make me your pupil, and obtain celebrity in the world by instructing me in the art of fighting with clubs. " O great king! having heard this speech, Bulram Jee made Doorjodhun his pupil; and, staying a few days, instructed him in the science of fighting with the club; but although he made search throughout the city, he did not find the jewel. Some days after the arrival of Shree Krishnù Chund at Dwarka, Bulram arrived also; when having taken all the Judoos with him, and brought forth Suttrajeet's corpse from the oil, Shree Krishnù Chund Jee made a purification of fire and lighted the funeral pile with his own hands. When Shree Krishnù Jee had performed the funeral obsequies, Akroor and Krutbruma, consulting with each other, went to Shree Krishnù; and, having taken him aside and shown him the jewel, said, " O great king! the Judoos have become impious, and fascinated by riches, they have become blinded by wealth, and given up all thought and meditation and memory of you. If they were now to suffer some affliction, they would return to your service. We will, therefore, take away the jewel and fly from the city; and when we have revived in them the adoration and memory of you, we will return to Dwarka. " Akroor and Krutbruma, with all their relations, fled from Dwarka at midnight, with the knowledge of Shree Krishnù, and no one knew in what direction they had gone. Early in the morning, there was a report throughout the city, that they had gone off somewhere during the night; but no one knew where and what was the cause of their going. Having recited thus much, Shree Shookdeo Jee said, --O great king! this was a constant and general topic of conversation in the city; whilst on the other hand, Akroor Jee first went to Prag, and, having caused himself to be shaved, bathed at the confluence of the three sacred rivers, and presented many gifts; and having performed many acts of charity, built a ghaut in honour of Huri, and went to Gyah; there, sitting on the bank of the river Phulgoo, they performed funeral obsequies in the manner prescribed by the Shastrù s; and, having feasted the brahmins of Gyah, gave many gifts. Having afterwards visited a temple of Vishnù, they went thence to the city of Kasi. Hearing of their arrival, all the neighbouring Rajas came with presents to meet them; and they remained there offering sacrifices and presents, and performing acts of penance and fasting. Some days having elapsed, Shree Moorari, the friend of his worshippers, determined to send for Akroor Jee; and coming to Bulram, said, " Brother! bring some calamity on the inhabitants of the city, and send for Akroor. " Buldeo replied, " O great king! do whatever is most agreeable to yourself, and confer happiness on virtuous men. " When Bulram had thus spoken, Shree Krishnù Chund caused fevers and diseases of all kinds to rage in the city of Dwarka. During four months, there was no rain; in consequence of which, all the rivers, nullahs and tanks of the city were dried up: grass and grain were not produced; birds, fishes, beasts and all animals with life and cattle were greatly distressed, and died of drought. The inhabitants of the city, through hunger, began to raise cries to heaven for deliverance. At length, all the male and female population were in a state of the greatest consternation; and came to Shree Krishnù Chund, the extirpater of grief; and imploring him earnestly and beseeching him with the utmost humility, began to say, with joined hands, and bowing their heads, " We have come to you to seek an asylum; how shall we be able to endure our great calamities? We are sorely afflicted from the want of rain; why has Bruhmù brought this disaster upon us? " They proceeded to say, " O compassionate lord of Dwarka! you are our creator and dispeller of our griefs; to whom else shall we go and address our petitions? Whence has this misery fallen upon us, whilst we were living quietly at our homes, and why has it happened, kindly explain to us? " Shree Shookdeo, the sage said, --O great king! on hearing these words, Shree Krishnù Chund replied, " Famine, misery and distress make their entrance into every city, which holy men have abandoned. Since Akroor Jee has departed hence, you have endured this state of calamity. Where holy men, lovers of truth and servants of Huri dwell, there evil and want, and misfortune cannot exist. Indrù has a friendship for the worshippers of Huri; and, therefore, rain falls plentifully in the cities where they dwell. " All the Judoos exclaimed, " O great king! you have spoken truly: this thought had occurred to us also, because Akroor's father's name is Soophulluk, and he too is a very holy, truth-loving and just man. Where he dwells, there distress, poverty and famine have no existence; but rain falls frequently, in consequence of which, the seasons are prosperous and abundant. At one time, there was a terrible famine in the city of Kasi, when the Raja thereof sent for Soophulluk. O great king! on the arrival of Soophulluk, rain fell copiously, and as much as was desired; and there was a plenteous season, and an end to all their misery. After this, the Raja of Kasi gave his daughter in marriage to Soophulluk, who dwelt there happily. This Raja's daughter's name was Gadinka, whose son Akroor is. " They went on to say, " O great king! we were aware of this before, and will now do whatever you order. " Shree Krishnù Chund replied, " Behave with the greatest respect to Akroor Jee, and bring him back here, wherever you may find him. " On receiving this injunction, the Judoos went forth in a body to search for Akroor; and pursuing their search, arrived at the city of Baransee, (Benares). Having had a meeting with Akroor Jee, and presented gifts, they stood before him with joined hands, and bending their heads forward said, " Return home, O lord! Bulram and Krishnù have sent for you: the inhabitants of the city have been troubled during your absence. Where you are, there happiness dwells, and where you are not, calamity and distress take up their abode. A grievous famine has fallen upon the city, although Shree Gopal (Krishnù ) dwelt there. The husband of Luchmee (Vishnù ) is subservient to holy men; from them, all mortals derive wealth and happiness. " O great king! on hearing these words, Akroor Jee rose up to depart in great agitation; and arrived, after some days, at Dwarka, accompanied by his relations, Krutbruma, and the members of the family of Judoo, with music playing during the journey. Having received news of his arrival, and going out to meet him, Shree Krishnù and Bulram escorted him to the city with the greatest dignity and honour. O Raja! rain fell on the entrance of Akroor Jee into the city, and there was abundance. All the distress and want that had been raging, disappeared. Akroor was greatly exalted; and the inhabitants of Dwarka began to rejoice and indulge in festivities. On a subsequent day, Shree Krishnù Chund, the root of joy, sent for Akroor Jee, and taking him aside said, " What have you done with Suttrajeet's jewel? " He replied, " I still have it. " Krishnù said, " Restore it to its owner; and if he should not be alive, make it over to his son. If there should not be a son, give it to his wife: and if there should not be a wife, give it to his brother: and if there should not be a brother, give it to a relation: in default of relations, give it to his spiritual preceptor's son: and if there should not be a son of the spiritual preceptor, give it to a brahmin. But do not receive yourself any man's wealth. This is equity; wherefore, it is right that you give the jewel to Suttrajeet's grandson, and obtain a great name in the world by doing so. " O great king! when Shree Krishnù Chund had thus spoken, Akroor Jee took the jewel, and placing it before Krishnù, joining his hands said in a very supplicating manner, " O lord of the poor! be pleased to accept this jewel yourself, and forgive my fault; because I have expended in the course of my pilgrimage the gold which the jewel yielded. " Krishnù assented, and went and presented the jewel to Sutbhama, and removed all the anxieties of her mind.