2 Materials and method
The necessity for manifesting flexibility during state management of the region’s economy as a socio-economic system of the meso-level, at which changes are more frequent and vivid than at the macro-level, is emphasized in the works Bezrukova et al. (2017), Rocha and Abreu (2018), Frolov et al. (2017), Hilmer Pedersen and Johannsen (2018), Hu et al. (2018), Oliveira (2017), Popkova (2013), Popkova et al. (2017), Sergi et al. (2012), Sergi et al. (2019), Shakhovskaya et al. (2018), Simonova et al. (2017), and Vanchukhina et al. (2019). At the same time, despite the high level of elaboration of the problem at the theoretical level, it is not sufficiently studied at the empirical level – in particular, the practical solutions that allow ensuring high flexibility of state management of region’s economy are very rare in the existing scientific works and thus require further development, in view of the specifics of multicultural regions. Two specific directions of state management of economy that require high flexibility in a multicultural region are distinguished: - management of migration flows; - management of foreign economic activities. High flexibility of state management within these directions is to be ensured by systemic monitoring of the tendencies of development of these directions and by implementing the differentiated measures depending on the determined tendencies and current opportunities and needs of a multicultural region: the corresponding measures of stimulation of the existing tendencies or measures of their restraint.